CS 3240, Fall 2018 Due date: Nov. 20, 2018

A3: Parallel Sort (Cool Sort)

You will use this assignment to explore threads. Also, shall we assume that you will use the system sort routine instead of writing your own. This will be straightahead work, so don't dally and just get busy on this.

In this assignment you will be subjected to a 100% completely realistic scenario. Somebody borked our database and now the records are all chopped up and out of order. So now it's YOUR job to clean up this mess and write a program to sort these back into a single file. Oh, and we only have a few nanoseconds to do it, so you'd better do it with pthreads!

The Assignment

Input Data

As input, you will receive an arbitrary number of ASCII text files with arbitrary file names. These files will all be located in a directory specified on the command line.

Your program should obtain a list of the files in a given directory (via command line argument argv[1]) and then use that to go about its business. Do NOT hard code the number/name of files, since your program is supposed to support arbitrary number/names of files contained in the given directory.

Each data file will have a number of records that look like the following:

<username>,<password><blood type>,<domain name>,<database index>

You may read these in with any file manipulation function that you see fit (fgets() works quite nicely). You should split these on commas and before sticking them into a struct. The sorting should be based on the field of .

The end result will be an array of these structs to be sorted.


Each file should be handled in parallel. This means that you will list the supplied directory and then spin up a separate thread for each file contained therein.

All file manipulation functions and sorting will take place in the thread allotted for that file.


You will be benchmarking this particular assignment. You will use the gettimeofday() function to start a timer at the beginning of your program, and use it again at the end of your program to report how long your program takes to run.


You can write your own sort if you'd like, but since that's not relevant to the assignment, you can go ahead and use the qsort() function in the standard library. You will be sorting by the last field in each record, the database id. The result should be in ascending order.

Note that this function takes a function pointer as an argument. This is a pointer to another function in memory which is used to compare elements in the array. You will learn more about how this works in class.


Your makefile should produce an executable which takes one argument (a directory path) and performs a sort on the files located in that directory. Make sure that you are processing this argument in a fashion that finds the directory relative to the current working directory. (e.g., if you execute ./coolsort "./nested/directory/structure", everything in the subdirectory "structure" should be sorted).


The output should be a single ASCII file called sorted.yay containing all of the records from each individual data file in sorted order. You will compile your code with a makefile that you write and upload that contains

all: 'gcc -Wall -Wpedantic -std=c99 *.c -o coolSort -pthread'

Do not name your output anything other than 'sorted.yay'. Place it in the directory containing the records that were sorted.

You will lose points if it does not work on both datasets and naming specifications are not followed.

Other Things

I am not responsible for anything that you may find at any of the domain names in the test data.

Good luck and have fun.