
A simple project intended to demo Kafka and get developers up and running quickly

Note: This project uses Gradle. You must install Gradle(2.5). If you would rather not install Gradle locally you can use the Gradle Wrapper by replacing all refernces to gradle with gradlew.

How To Build:

  1. Execute gradle build
  2. Find the artifact jars in './build/libs/'

Intellij Project Setup:

  1. Execute gradle idea
  2. Open project folder in Intellij or open the generated .ipr file

Note: If you have any issues in Intellij a good first troubleshooting step is to execute gradle cleanIdea idea

Eclipse Project Setup:

  1. Execute gradle eclipse
  2. Open the project folder in Eclipse

Note: If you have any issues in Eclipse a good first troubleshooting step is to execute gradle cleanEclipse eclipse

Key Kafka Links:

Using The Project:

Note: This guide has only been tested on Mac OS X and may assume tools that are specific to it. If working in another OS substitutes may need to be used but should be available.

Step 1 - Build the Project:

  1. Run gradle build
