Grant's Delphi Projects! A lot of interesting or even lethal gadgets written during my hich school.
##DesktopX An window sidebar written with Delphi. DesktopX allows you to view the exact time, calander, weather conditions on your desktop! The most interesting function is it also allows fetch up-to-date stock information(along with the dynamic MACD chart) from Internet( using SDK provided by Sina, Inc). My classmates love it!
##DrawSth Have you ever played the game like Draw Mania on IOS devices? Yes! I developed the similiar version on PC for my former girlfriend. With socket technique and Zip algorithm to transmit data realtime!
##FaceRater When I was admiited to CQUPT, I found a huge drawback on their admission website. Thus, I was able to DOWNLOAD all the freshman photos to my computer. Eventually, I implement a face-rating system open to public to select out the MOST PRETTY GIRL!!
##KeyBoardThief A keyboard operation monitor using Windows Hook Technique!
##QQT One of my favorite project! The developed version of KeyBoardThief. I cracked Tencent's secure strategy on their famous ICQ software QQ2013. It can eavesdrop users account and passwords and send mails to my E-mail! (How crazy and dangerous once I was..)
##VirusX Another dangerous program. Actually, it is a virus! With FTP, socket and USB scanning service. VirusX can automatically upload users files and screenshots with interval. It can also spread with USB disk and E-mail. VirusX can survive for a considerable time with update function as well.
##SelectCourse A small tool to helping students selecting course under jammed Internet condition.
Two small gadgets of camera and Web browser, respectively written for Android. It is really a tough work to write code for Android with Delphi XE5!