
Simple Python 3 based bot to send canned responses to specific phrases and/or username mentions/summons

Primary LanguagePythonDo What The F*ck You Want To Public LicenseWTFPL

Reddit Canned Response Bot

Simple Python 3 based bot to send canned responses to specific phrases and/or username mentions/summons.

Uses praw and pushshift (psaw) to continually get new comments containing specific keywords, then regular expressions for further filtering. Sends a canned response if filter matches. Username mentions just use praw to check unread inbox messages.

Before you do anything


  • Create a Reddit account for bot and create an authorised app if you haven't already
  • Install python requirements pip3 install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a praw.ini file (or set praw env vars) and fill out bot credentials:
  • Create a mybotname_config.json bot configuration file. Can be as simple as this:
      "subreddits": [
      "postfix": "\n\nI am a bot (u/mymainaccountname)",
      "max_comments_per_submission": 100,
      "delete_unliked_comment_score": -5,
      "canned_responses": [
          "search_keys": [
          "comment_regexes": [
            "surprised pikachu"
          "response": "https://i.imgur.com/XLSOusb.png"


  • Run bot
    • ./bot.py mybotname_config.json
  • Dry run (print replies without actually sending)
    • ./bot.py mybotname_config.json --dry-run
  • Dry run starting from comments made one week (24*7=168 hours) ago
    • ./bot.py mybotname_config.json --dry-run=168


Heroku is a free way to run your bot entirely in the cloud.

  • Create a free Heroku account
  • Install Heroko CLI
  • Clone this repo and cd into project folder
  • Create and run detached bot
    heroku login
    heroku create
    # Praw credentials (i.e. from praw.ini file)
    heroku config:set praw_client_id=abcdefhijklmno
    heroku config:set praw_client_secret=abcdefhijklmnopqrstuzwxyz01
    heroku config:set praw_user_agent=foo
    heroku config:set praw_username=foobot
    heroku config:set praw_password=bar
    # Add a Procfile that tells Heroku how to (re)start your app
    echo "worker: ./bot.py mybotname_config.json" > Procfile
    git add Procfile --force
    git commit -m "Add Heroku Procfile"
    git push heroku master
    # Start bot
    heroku ps:scale worker=1
  • View logs: heroku logs --tail
  • Stop bot: heroku ps:scale worker=0

Heroku Caveats


  • Don't use/run any of the example bot configurations