
Thread aware Signal/Slot library

Primary LanguageC++BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause



CsSignal is a library for thread aware Signal/Slot delivery. This library does not depend upon CopperSpice or any other libraries.

One of the major benefits of CsSignal is how the library delivers signals in a multithreaded application. Signals can be delivered using a queued connection or a blocking queued connection.

In the CsSignal library signals and slots are both methods whereas in many other signal/slot libraries each signal is a separate object.

System Requirements

To use CsSignal you will need a C++14 compiler and a C++14 standard library.

Currently uses the Autotools build system for building and running the unit test suite. The library has been tested with clang sanitizer and a major code review.


Class level documentation for CsSignal is available on the CopperSpice website:



Multiple videos discussing Signals and Slots can be found on the following pages:


Authors / Contributors

  • Ansel Sermersheim
  • Barbara Geller


This library is released under the BSD 2-clause license. For more information refer to the LICENSE file provided with this project.
