I fear change, and these are no longer available on ESO's website. I therefore am preserving them here.
and fitsort
— both beautifully written by Nicolas Devillard at ESO between 1996 and 2000 (!) — dumps and sorts (respectively) FITS header contents on the command line. They accept all the usual *nix
shell stuff, allowing constructs such as:
dfits *.fits | grep OBJECT
dfits *.fits* | fitsort DPR.CATG PRO.CATG EXPTIME IMAGETYP
dfits *.fits* | fitsort DPR.CATG EXPTIME IMAGETYP | grep SCIENCE
gcc -o dfits dfits.c
gcc -o fitsort fitsort.c
make; make install
(thanks to Gabe Brammer for this makefile)