
Kaggle-Featured Code Competition


  • In this competition, you’ll apply your data science skills to build motion prediction models for self-driving vehicles.

  • You'll have access to the largest Prediction Dataset ever released to train and test your models.

  • Your knowledge of machine learning will then be required to predict how cars, cyclists,and pedestrians move in the AV's environment.


The dataset is structured as follows:

    scenes,   aerial_map,   semantic_map

Under scenes, we have:

    sample.zarr,   test.zarr,   train.zarr,   validate.zarr,   mask.npz *   

Each .zarr file contains a set of:

    scenes,   frames,   agents,   traffic_light_faces,   agents_mask**  

*: In test, the mask (provided in files as mask.npz) masks out any test object for which predictions are NOT required.

**: A mask that (for train and validation) masks out objects that aren't useful for training.


  • aerial_map - an aerial map used when rasterisation is performed with mode "py_satellite"
  • semantic_map - a high definition semantic map used when rasterisation is performed with mode "py_semantic"
  • sample.zarr - a small sample set, designed for exploration
  • train.zarr - the training set, in .zarr format
  • validate.zarr - a validation set (roughly the size of train)
  • test.csv - the test set, in .zarr format
  • mask.npz - a boolean mask for the test set. All and only the agents included in the mask should be submitted
  • *sample_submission.csv - two sample submissions, one in multi-mode format, the other in single-mode

Code Requirements

This is a Code Competition:

1. Submissions to this competition must be made through Notebooks.

2. Please note that for this competition training is not required in Notebooks.

In order for the "Submit to Competition" button to be active after a commit, the following conditions must be met:

  • CPU Notebook <= 9 hours run-time
  • GPU Notebook <= 9 hours run-time
  • TPU Notebook <= 3 hours run-time

Freely & publicly available external data is allowed, including pre-trained models.

Submission file must be named submission.csv


metrics page in the L5Kit repository


Dataset Formats


numpy structured arrays






ResNet in PyTorch - GitHub


EfficientNet: Improving Accuracy and Efficiency through AutoML and Model Scaling



1 Overview


2 Competition


3 Coordinate Systems in L5Kit


4 Dataset Formats


5 How to contribute


Lyft Competition Plan/strategy for higher LB Score

1. Establish the model/algorithm

  • pytorch --- improve the baseline of Peter’s -> primary process
  • keras --- improve the baseline of GoSabres’s
  • tensorflow --- improve the baseline of Ashi’s

2. Establish the emsamble to get high score

  • include our best model if possible
  • focus on emsamble last few weeks of End date

Kaggle Lyft Competition Update

1. Pytorch Process Update

  • Pytorch process

  • Dependency of parameters/models on LB score

  • Current Issue

2. Ensamble Update

1. Pytorch Update

Pytorch process

1 Settup Dependencies

2 Load Datasets

3 Define a Model (CNN)

  • Model
  • Parameters

4 Train the Model

  • Save the model

5 Prediction

  • load the model
  • Test the model

6 Submit

Dependency of parameters/models on LB score

1) raster size

   - raster size (384, 384)  :  LB 3593.289
   - raster size (300, 300)  :  LB 2354.393
   - raster size (224, 224)  :  LB 1584.348

2) Batch size for training

   - batch size   12 :  LB 1584.348           #raster size (224, 224), num_steps 10,000 
   - batch size   32 :
   - batch size   64 :   evaluating --> Took much time to compute (>9 hours)

3) num_steps for training

   - num_steps   10,000 : LB 1584.348         #raster size (224, 224), batch size 12
   - num_steps   15,000 :
   - num_steps   20,000 :

4) learning rate

   - lr   1e-2 : 
   - lr   1e-3 : LB 1584.348
   - lr   1e-4 :

5) Optimizer

   - optimizer   Adam : LB 1584.348
   - optimizer   SGD  :
   - optimizer   ASGD :

6) Models

   - Resnet 18  :  
   - Resnet 50  :  LB 1584.348
   - EfficientNet  :

Current Issue

--- Takes much time to compute (>9 hours)


-> W/ kaggle notebook is required in Testing/Prediction

-> Separate Training from Testing/Prediction

-> W/O kaggle notebook in Training

model_resnet34_output_1000-chop.pth 'lr': 1e-4   (--- ver.57)
#nn.Dropout(0.2)  LB: 2840.352   --- ver.65
nn.Dropout(0.2)   LB:   84.224   --- ver.64
nn.Dropout(0.2)   LB:   84.211   --- ver.60

#nn.Dropout(0.2)  LB: 451990.306   --- ver.62
nn.Dropout(0.2)   LB:   7469.120   --- ver.61

nn.Dropout(0.2)   LB:              --- ver.67

2. Ensamble Update

Dependency of weights on LB Score

  • Combine solutions [1, 2, 3, 4]

1 and 2

  • weights = [0.3, 0.7] LB:46.603
  • weights = [0.35, 0.65] LB:46.370
  • weights = [0.4, 0.6] LB:46.189 ---Original Score
  • weights = [0.420, 0.580] LB:46.084
  • weights = [0.425, 0.575] LB:46.069
  • weights = [0.430, 0.570] LB:46.061
  • weights = [0.435, 0.565] LB:46.059 ---Got Best Score
  • weights = [0.440, 0.560] LB:46.062
  • weights = [0.45, 0.55] LB:46.082
  • weights = [0.475, 0.525] LB:46.179
  • weights = [0.5, 0.5] LB:46.331

1 and 3

  • weights = [0.5, 0.5] LB:46.641
  • weights = [0.4, 0.6] LB:45.064
  • weights = [0.3, 0.7] LB:44.346
  • weights = [0.15, 0.85] LB:42.173
  • weights = [0.105, 0.895] LB:41.855
  • weights = [0.1, 0.9] LB:41.840
  • weights = [0.095, 0.905] LB:41.830
  • weights = [0.090, 0.910] LB:41.825 ---Got Best Score
  • weights = [0.085, 0.915] LB:41.825
  • weights = [0.080, 0.920] LB:41.829
  • weights = [0.05, 0.985] LB:41.947

2 and 3

  • weights = [0.5, 0.5] LB:132.087

1 and 4

  • weights = [0.105, 0.895] LB:34.058
  • weights = [0.1, 0.9] LB:33.756
  • weights = [0.095, 0.905] LB:33.745
  • weights = [0.085, 0.915] LB:33.726
  • weights = [0.075, 0.925] LB:33.718 ---Got Best Score
  • weights = [0.070, 0.930] LB:33.719
  • weights = [0.065, 0.935] LB:33.723
  • weights = [0.05, 0.95] LB:33.748