
Zoom Archive Tool

Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Zoom Archive Tool

Copies Zoom recordings to Google Drive.


  • Improve discoverability of Zoom recordings
  • Preserve recordings when Zoom user leaves the org
  • Reduce cost of long term retention (maybe)


zat requires go to build - 1.13+ is recommended, for proper error formatting, but will work with older versions.

$ go build .
$ ./zat

zat should start without any configuration but isn't very useful without credentials - see below for setup.

zat will persist tokens to disk at google.creds.json and zat.creds.json - be sure to guard those files carefully as permissions are necessarily wide.

Once tokens have been obtained, zat -no-server will perform only archival duties and then exit.

zat always attempts to archive, to only start the web server use: -since 0s.


  • Obtain Google credentials

    • Create an Oauth Client ID credential
      • You may need to create a project, or use a dev project you have access to. If the project doesn't have OAuth consent screen info, you'll need to add that as well.
        • Choose "internal" user type, give it a name similar to the project name, and add your contact email
      • Choose "Web application" as the client ID type
      • Set Authorized redirect URIs to http://localhost:8080/oauth/google
    • Save credentials to google.config.json (GCP Console > API & Services > Credentials > Download JSON)
  • Obtain Zoom credentials

    • Create an Oauth Application
      • User-managed
      • No need to publish
      • Set name, descriptions, and contact information
      • Add the recording:read scope
      • Set redirect URI to and also add it to Whitelisted URLs
    • Save credentials to zoom.config.json with content:
        "id":             "your-id",
        "secret":         "your-secret",
        "oauth_redirect": ""
  • [Optional] Obtain Slack credentials

    • Create an App
      • Add Permissions > Scopes > Bot Token Scopes > Add An Oauth Scope granting: channels:read, chat:write, chat:write.public
    • Save the Bot User OAuth Access Token (under OAuth & Permissions) to slack.config.json with content:
        "token":             "your-token"

Once the credentials are in place, re-run zat and use the web server at http://localhost:8080/ to login to both Google and Zoom to create the *.creds.json files zat will use for the next run.


  • Configure zat

Create zat.yml like:

- name: UI Weekly
  google: DpB3XhhzV87LfEeLrM-nCopTtHDWxqVGH
  zoom: 023-456-789
- name: Team Weekly
  google: DpB3XhhzV87LfEeLrM-nCopTtHDWxqVGH
  zoom: 123-456-789

Where google is the folder ID to store recordings into, and zoom is the meeting id (hyphens or no hyphens, not spaces).


The google configuration is the ID of the folder where the recordings will be stored.

cmd/google/findfolders can assist in tracking down folders and IDs like:

$ go build ./cmd/google/findfolders
$ ./findfolders -query 'name = "bar"'
foo                                                          DpB3XhhzV87LfEeLrM-nCopTtHDWxqVGH https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/DpB3XhhzV87LfEeLrM-nCopTtHDWxqVGH
$ ./findfolders -query '"DpB3XhhzV87LfEeLrM-nCopTtHDWxqVGH" in parents and name = "Meetings"'
Meetings                                                     ycMAKmDuzwobv6eBf9-PLupEGJJ6BtyoJ https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/ycMAKmDuzwobv6eBf9-PLupEGJJ6BtyoJ

You'll likely get an "Access Not Configured" error for new projects. Follow the URL in the error to ensure the project is enabled for Google Drive API access, then wait a few minutes before retrying.

zat provides a web interface with similar functionality, eg http://localhost:8080/google?q=name contains "Team weekly".


The zoom configuration is the meeting ID - the dashes are optional.

cmd/zoom/listrecordings can assist in tracking down meeting IDs like:

$ go build ./cmd/zoom/listrecordings
$ ./listrecordings -since 96h
2019/11/25 12:22:54 listrecordings.go:41: 2 recordings found
2019-11-21 945106202 UI Weekly
	audio_transcript https://zoom.us/recording/download/wwww
	shared_screen_with_speaker_view https://zoom.us/recording/download/xxxx
	chat_file https://zoom.us/recording/download/yyyy
	audio_only https://zoom.us/recording/download/zzzz
	timeline https://zoom.us/recording/download/11111111-1111-1111-1111-111111111111
2019-11-21 906290321 Team Weekly
	audio_transcript https://zoom.us/recording/download/aaaa
	shared_screen_with_speaker_view https://zoom.us/recording/download/bbbb
	chat_file https://zoom.us/recording/download/cccc
	audio_only https://zoom.us/recording/download/dddd
	timeline https://zoom.us/recording/download/22222222-2222-2222-2222-222222222222

zat provides a web interface with similar functionality at http://localhost:8080/zoom.


The slack configuration is the ID of the channel where the message should be sent.

cmd/slack/listchannels can assist in tracking down channel IDs like:

$ go build ./cmd/slack/listchannels
$ ./listchannels

One method for finding private channel IDs is to open Slack in a web browser and look at $$('.p-channel_sidebar__static_list__item') elements. The application's bot user will need to be invited to the private channel to post messages there.

cmd/slack/chat can assist in verifying permissions are correct.


On macOS pre-10.15 (Catalina) and Linux, cron is sufficient, eg:

0 8,10,15,22 * * * zat -no-server -config-dir ~/path/to/zat/config/dir

On macOS 10.15+, new security restrictions make cron less attractive.

Instead use launchd. A sample configuration is included under contrib/. Load it with:

launchctl load contrib/zat.plist

If prompted the first time the job runs, grant zat access to the config directory.


  • Zoom doesn't look back farther than 30 days when -since is > 30 days. - #16
  • #34 introduced the -t option to limit the file types archived by zat. You might consider running zat with -t mp4,chat as the rest of the files aren't that interesting.