- 0
Abandoned repo?
#193 opened by mangelsnc - 7
140 Queries in function persist
#145 opened by vzenix - 0
Symfony 5 + PHP 8 support
#192 opened by abraovic - 0
- 0
Neo4jException DateTime is not supported as a return type in Bolt protocol version 1. Please make sure driver supports at least protocol version 2. Driver upgrade is most likely required.
#190 opened by nady - 1
Symfony 5 support
#188 opened by AzeemMichael - 0
- 8
EAGER annotation on node relations
#121 opened by theUm - 0
Symfony 4.3 deprecated dispatch call
#187 opened by MariusAmbr - 0
neo4j-php-ogm not compatible with Cypher 3.2 ?
#184 opened by 2binfree - 1
Can't register event listener from services.yml
#183 opened by amiriskander - 2
add EntityManagerInterface::createQuery
#181 opened by glembus - 1
Hydrating RelationshipEntity objects
#180 opened by sebsel - 0
- 1
- 1
[request] SQL Server graph tables
#178 opened by sirio3mil - 0
BaseRepository matching method
#176 opened by jmra88 - 1
Possible memory leak
#156 opened by paav - 3
Can't update any entity after deserialize it using Symfony Serializer Component
#154 opened by carere - 4
Dealing with schema-less properties
#157 opened by davidhiendl - 10
symfony 4 support
#173 opened by magicuniverse-azeem - 17
Attempted to call an undefined method named "__setNode" of class "__PHP_Incomplete_Class".
#122 opened by sts85 - 2
- 0
Duplicate initialization of LazyCollection
#169 opened by cebe - 2
Recoursion on related entites
#149 opened by slavkor - 0
Add support for property converters to findBy.
#166 opened by TSchuermans - 0
When a key annotation is specified on a class property, the property name can't be used in findBy anymore.
#165 opened by TSchuermans - 1
Difference between $query->getResult() and $repository->findOneBy(['uuid' => $uuid])
#163 opened by slavkor - 2
- 2
EntityManager::create() problem bolt protocol
#161 opened by slavkor - 0
Unexpected behavior of refresh() method
#158 opened by cebe - 4
- 0
Property array does not work, preflush event is ignored for relationship entity
#151 opened by esynaps - 0
[Feature Request] Create a node property existence constraint when nullable is set to false
#150 opened by lrlopez - 2
repository to Array
#148 opened by ikwattro - 2
- 1
When creating a Relationship the definition of mapping should be camelCase.
#146 opened by CristianSitov - 3
Call to a member function isCollection() on null
#140 opened by marius-dev - 2
getValue -> check if object has property first
#142 opened by oliver-schulz - 4
Delete of relations not supported?
#139 opened by PortaltechGithub - 0
EntityManager creates stat
#138 opened by NielsCentagon - 0
PHP 7.1 support & type hinting bug
#137 opened by theUm - 4
Find by id problem
#134 opened by marius-dev - 0
findOneById should perform label matching
#135 opened by ikwattro - 0
relationship collection without mapped by attribute
#133 opened by Sraime - 10
Proposition: brackets for createQuery()
#129 opened by theUm - 2
Security bundle doesn't work well
#130 opened by Sraime - 3
RC4 Issue with deleting simple relationship
#126 opened by JoeThielen - 4
entityManager->createQuery() result improvements
#120 opened by theUm - 4
Unique annotation
#119 opened by Sraime