
a graph server serves backend neo4j, virtosuo as an InteractiveGraph

Primary LanguageScalaBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


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InteractiveGraph-neo4j serves GSON files(see https://github.com/grapheco/InteractiveGraph#GSON), Neo4j databases, RDF stores as InteractiveGraph providers, it generates InteractiveGraphs for remote frontend InteractiveGraph clients on demand. Known InteractiveGraph clients includes GraphNavigator, GraphBrowser, and RelFinder (see https://github.com/grapheco/InteractiveGraph).

The interaction architecture looks like: architecture

Quick Start

  1. download latest graphserver.war and igraph.war file from release page: https://github.com/grapheco/InteractiveGraph-neo4j/releases and https://github.com/grapheco/InteractiveGraph/releases

graphserver.war: graph server app igraph.war: interactive graph clients, including GraphNavigator, GraphBrowser, and RelFinder.

  1. move war files into your webapps folder of Web server (Tomcat, for example)

  2. start Web server, we assume the web app url is http://yourhost:8080

  3. explore InteractiveGraph/GraphBrowser in Web browser:


Accessing servers in InteractiveGraph apps

  1. If you are using a remote graph app, GraphBrowser, for example. To access IGP servers, you may click the load remote IGP server tool, in the dialog input connector url like: http://yourhost:8080/graphserver/connector-gson, InteractiveGraph/GraphBrowser will load and visualize graph from graphserver.


  1. To access IGP servers programmly, you may use app.connect() method. Here is an example:
    var app = new igraph.GraphNavigator(document.getElementById('graphArea'));

NOTE: graphserver provides 3 servlets: /connector-gson, /connector-bolt, /connector-neodb. Because the /connector-bolt depends on /connector-neodb, so note that /connector-neodb should be accessed before accessing /connector-bolt.


InterativeGraphServer is able to connect several kinds of backend data sources: neo4j-gson, neo4j-db, neo4j-bolt.


ConnectorServlets should be defined in web.xml. Each servlet requires a configFile parameter:


Here, a connector1 is defined with a configuration file conf3.properties, it responds to clients when requested as http://yourhost/graphserver/connector-gson.

example web.xml

configuration file

Configuration files are written in properties file format, there are some common properties and other specific properties according to different backend kinds.

common properties

name description type example
allowOrigin allowed domains, * means allow all remote clients string
backendType backend source type one of neo4j-gson, neo4j-bolt or neo4j-db neo4j-gson
neo4j.nodeCategories categories of nodes in name/title pair format person:人物,event:事件,location:地点
visNodeProperty.label an expression to be evaluated as caption of a visualized node string as a VelocityExpr, if it starts with a = then it is a Velocity expression, else it is a Velocity template, see http://velocity.apache.org/engine/devel/vtl-reference.html =$prop.name, or #if($prop.name) $prop.name #else <empty> #end
visNodeProperty.value an expression to be evaluated as value (size) of a visualized node string as a VelocityExpr =$prop.value
visNodeProperty.image an expression to be evaluated as path of image of a visualized node string as a VelocityExpr =$prop.image, or http://.../images/${prop.id}
visNodeProperty. info an expression to be evaluated as HTML-formated infomation (description in detailed) of a visualized node string as a VelocityExpr <p align=center> #if($prop.image) <img width=150 src="${prop.image}"><br> #end <b>${prop.name}[${prop.id}]</b></p><p align=left>${node.info}</p>
neo4j.regexpSearchFields fields used to perform a full text search string array sperated by , name,address
neo4j.strictSearchFields strict match fields mapping array of : sperated pairs, for example: label:name, this tells search information in name property when asked to search in label property, label:name


name description type example
neo4j.boltUrl url of bolt server string bolt://localhost:7688
neo4j.boltUser user acount string admin
neo4j.boltPassword user password string admin

example properties file


name description type example
neo4j.dataDir file path of a neo4j database, often in <neo4j-home>/data/databases/ string WEB-INF/databases/data.db
neo4j.boltPort a bolt server will be startup on the database, this parameter specify the port of bolt server number 7689

example properties file


name description type example
gson.path relative/abslute path of GSON file string WEB-INF/honglou.json
gson.tempDir a temporary database will be created for the GSON file, this parameter specify where we create the database string /dev/shm, or /tmp
neo4j.boltPort a bolt server will be startup on the temporary database, this parameter specify the port of bolt server 7689

example properties file