
A Helm chart for deploying ArgoCD Applications to a centralized Argo CD UI to manage a particular environment

MIT LicenseMIT


This repo builds and publishes the infra-argocd-appgroup helm chart. This chart is a somewhat opinionated, app-of-apps implementation for ArgoCD. Simple and flexible definitions of apps is the primary goal, so the project follows these general guidelines:

  • AppGroups and the Apps they create should all belong to the same AppProject
  • One AppGroup per environment (dev/stage/prod)
  • Environment prefix should be added to both namespace and app names
  • By default, values files are configured to be:
    • values.yaml
    • values-{environment}.yaml

To test templating (from the src/main/helm directory):

helm template . -f _test-values.yaml --debug

See the _test-values.yaml for examples of advanced feature usage

Publishing a new version (from the root directory)

TODO: Automate this

helm package helm/ --destination charts
helm repo index charts/
git subtree push --prefix charts origin gh-pages