
iOS Port of the GraphHopper road routing engine

Primary LanguageObjective-CApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


graphhopper-ios wraps graphhopper and creates the libgraphhopper.a library to be used on iOS. Theoretically it should be possible to include other architectures, but for example MacOS currently doesn't work.

It uses j2objc to translate the .java sources into Objective-C.

Disclaimer: This is experimental so treat it accordingly. Feel free to help in any way.


JDK 8 (Yes, jts source needs JDK 8), recommended is AdoptOpenJDK8 Maven XCode 11.4+ (works with XCode 13)

Getting Started

To get started run the following commands in Terminal:

git clone https://github.com/graphhopper/graphhopper-ios.git
cd graphhopper-ios
git submodule init
git submodule update
make cleanall
make class.list
make translate
open graphhopper-ios-sample/graphhopper-ios-sample.xcodeproj

Switch scheme to graphhoppper-ios-sample and run against Simulator or the real device (requires Apple Developer account and signing setup in place).

To integrate GraphHopper in your project see Usage section below.


Feel free to raise problems or questions in our forum.


  • You can add graphhopper.xcodeproj as subproject to your project (see details in Xcode section).
  • Or you can compile it as fat library (libgraphhopper.a) using make and add it and necessary interface files to your project. Current setup includes Simulator (x86_64) and iPhone 5s and higher (arm64) architectures. Not checked on Apple Silicon, although arm64 should cover it (see other details in Terminal section).


To configure your project to use graphhopper.xcodeproj follow the steps below:

  • Drag&drop graphhopper.xcodeproj into your project (or use the menu File -> Add Files to...)
  • Expand graphhopper.xcodeproj and drag&drop the Translations and Libraries groups into your project (make sure you check "Create folder references" and have your target selected in "Add to targets:")
  • In the Build Settings of your project:
    • add -ObjC to your target's Other Linker Flags
    • add {path-to-graphhopper-ios}/j2objc/include and {path-to-graphhopper-ios}/src to your target's User Header Search Paths
  • In the Build Phases of your project:
    • in Target Dependencies add the graphhopper target
    • in Link Binary With Libraries add Security.framework (to support secure hash generation), libz.dylib (needed to support java.util.zip) and libicucore.dylib (to support java.text, which is a dependency introduced by j2objc 0.9.5)

You're now ready to use GraphHopper on iOS and OS X.

You are responsible for importing graph data. For an example check out graphhopper-ios-sample.


Alternatively, you can translate and compile the library by invoking make in the Terminal. You can modify common.mk and library.mk to include all necessary arhitectures. This article provides good overview of options: https://docs.elementscompiler.com/Platforms/Cocoa/CpuArchitectures/ Then link the library graphhopper-ios/build/libgraphhopper.a and it's header files at graphhopper-ios/src manually into your project. For all the other configurations see the Xcode section above.

By default this method compiles the library for the following architectures: simulator, iphoneos.




  • iOS 11.0+ or OS X 10.10 (it might work on older versions but haven't tested)
  • JDK 1.8 or higher
  • Xcode 11.0 or higher


If you run into problems, you can try one of the following:

  • if using Xcode, try cleaning up the project (Product -> Clean)
  • if using the Terminal, you can use one of these 2 cleanup commands:
    • make clean - will delete the /graphhopper-ios/build directory
    • make cleanall - if the first one didn't do it, this will delete everything related to the build process (you then need to run make class.list)

Refresh Code

The dependencies j2objc, hppc and jts should be downloaded automatically if not present. You can force to reload by removing them:

make dependencies/hppc dependencies/jts j2objc