
Simple wrapper for using HTML5 local storage

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Simple wrapper for using HTML5 local storage


  • Easily leverage HTML5 local storage
  • Store strings or JSON objects
  • Store temporarily (until tab is closed) or permanent (until cache is cleared)


###garage.set(key, value)###

save a variable

key: string

the name of the variable you want to store

value: string or object

the variable you want to store


###garage.get(key, default)###

retrieve a variable

key: string

the variable you want to retrieve

default: string or object

Value to be returned if nothing has been stored for this key yet



delete a stored variable

key: string

the variable you want to delete



Remove all stored variables



Garage stores everything in one JSON object under one "key". You would only need to change this if, for some reason, you had another javascript that was also using this key to store and retrieve data from localStorage.

key: string (default: 'parkingGarage')



change the default method of storage

method: string (default: 'local')

Can only be set to 'local' or 'session'

See Storage Methods


//save string
garage.save('fruit', 'orange');

//save an object
var myObject = {
	someProperty: 'someValue'
garage.save('myObject', myObject);



======== ##Storage Methods##

  • set to 'local' to use the localStorage method. Stored value will be saved until deleted, until the user clears their browser's cache
  • set to 'session' to use the sessionStorage method. Stored value will be saved until the browser or the tab is closed
  • Only 'local' and 'session' will be accepted. If you pass another value, 'local' will be used.