
Graphile fireside chats for maintainers and contributors to the Graphile suite

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Graphile fireside chats

Graphile fireside chats for maintainers and contributors to the Graphile suite.


A fireside chat is a personal and interactive discussion in a safe and cosy setting. A Graphile fireside chat takes place either on Zoom or in a Discord voice channel between project maintainers and contributors. Participants are either sponsors or project contributors and many are personally invited. Discussion points can be proposed and agreed beforehand.


Our hope is to bring together small focused groups of contributors in a welcoming environment to discuss the direction, issues, and gaps in the available knowledge base of our projects and to empower them to get more involved.

Code of Conduct

Like all Graphile projects and community spaces, we run fireside chats under the Contributor Covenant code of conduct. Code of conduct contact is @Benjie, @JemGillam or email team AT graphile dot com.