
"Include" comment

benjie opened this issue ยท 5 comments

Feature description

We already have --! no-transaction special comment, and we have :PLACEHOLDER replacement... This feature would replace a --! include funcs/my_func.sql comment with the contents of the funcs/my_func.sql file from the migrations/ folder. This is akin to symlinking the file into the current/ directory, but with the following advantages:

  1. works on Windows ๐Ÿ˜‰
  2. works with current.sql in addition to current/ folder
  3. easier to view history in git
  4. no need to come up with a numeric prefix for it - can just reorder as text

On commit a snapshot of the file will be included into the migrations/committed/ entry (and this is the code that would run on graphile-migrate migrate, rather than performing the --! include at that time).

Motivating example

Iterating functions, policies, and other stateless resources can be annoying - having to copy the definitions out from a previous migration or from a DB dump and then edit them. Also tracking history of them is a pain. Easier to edit them in one place (like regular code) and then "pull" them into the migration for execution.

Breaking changes


easier to view history in git
no need to come up with a numeric prefix for it - can just reorder as text

These are really beneficial, any plans for adding them?

benjie commented

Yep, have filed #163 to track the idea for when I (or someone else) have time to implement it.

I was just looking for a way to pull this off, this is exciting :)

@benjie quick question... when do you plan on pushing the next release.... I may be asking selfishly :)

This is already available as graphile-migrate@next: