
Dynamically typed, higher-order, semi-functional, interpreted and embeddable programming language

Primary LanguageC


GML is a dynamically typed, higher-order, interpreted and embeddable programming language.


One of the projects I'm currently working on; Neothyne, needed a scripting language primarly for constructing shaders and supplying global configuration of the engine as well as configuration files for materials.

Another project of mine; Redroid, also required a configuration file format, as well as a templating engine. INI files were considered at first but the complexity of Redroid configuration required a hierarchical format like JSON. Tables in GML work like JSON objects and a templating engine can be easily constructed in GML as well.


The general idea was to provide a language with the least amount of native primitives while also being flexible and ignoring the concept of user-definable types. To retain flexibility with such a minimal set of primitives it was also important to consider a serise of builtin primitive operations (like concatenation, folding, etc).


  • Binary operators: + - * /
  • Logical operators: && || !
  • Bitwise operators: & | << >> ~ ^
  • Unary operators: - +
  • Comparision operators: < > <= >= == != is

Objects in GML can be equal or the same. Objects are considered the same when they refer to the same slot in the enviroment. Sameness is compared for with the is operator. Provided is an analogue of the difference in C.

const char *a = "hello";
const char *b = a; /* points to the same thing */
if (!strcmp(a, b)) { } /* equality */
if (a == b) { } /* sameness */


The following identifiers are reserved as they are keywords for the language.

  • while
  • for
  • in
  • if
  • else
  • elif
  • fn
  • is
  • self only reserved as first formal in lambas bound to tables


Type Description
Function functions are first-class allowing lambdas and closures
Atom symbolic names for constants and table fields
String string of text allowing unicode characters
Array an array
Table a dynamic dictionary which can be keyed by anything


Control flow is acomplished with if else elif, while and for.


Code for control goes in blocks. Blocks take on the form { } or =>. The latter is a short hand syntax for single statements or expressions only.


The while loop just executes the block of code so long as the condition for the while loop evaluates :true. Here is an example.

while i != 10 {
    i = i + 1;

# or with the short hand syntax since it's a single expression
while i != 10 >= i = i + 1;


The for loop takes on the form:

for [formals] in [expr] {

The way values are mapped to formals depends on the type of the expression, or the return type of the expression if the expression is a function call.

For strings and arrays, the elements are mapped into the formals in a straight forward way. Specifically if there are N formals, then the string or array will be chopped up into pieces of size N. Tables work on a similar principal except the values mapped to the formals are arrays of two values which represent the key and value in the table.

Here are a few examples:

>>> fn something(x) { [x + 1, x + 2]; }
>>> for i in something(100) { println(i); }
>>> for i, j in [1, 2] { println(i); }
>>> for i, j in [1, 2] { println(i, j); }
1 2
>>> for i in "hello" { print(i); }
>>> for i in { :a = "b", "c" = 1, "d" = [ 2 ] } { println(i); }
["d", [2]]
[:a, "b"]
["c", 1]


Functions take on the form:

fn name(formals) {

Anonymous functions take on the same form except you elide the name:

fn(formals) {

Function return values are implicit, the last statement in a function is the return value.

Function calls are placed with:



Symbolic constants or keywords take on the form: :name. Atoms are generally useless in function or global scope and are primarly used for tables. Atoms can be used as symbolic constants. Currently there are four implicitly defined constants: :nil, :true, :false, :none.


Strings take on two forms, either "string", or with single character quotes, 'string'.

Strings can be subscripted as well to retrive a specific character, subscripting takes on the form.


Strings are immutable, while you may subscript to retrieve a character at some index you cannot modify the character within the string.

Strings can be concatenated with the binary + operator.

Strings can be compared with the logical operators, == !=.


Array literals take on the form:

name = [ values ];

You may specify any amount of values within the brackets delimited by comma, for example.

name = [ 1, 2, "hello", 3.14, :false ];

Array subscripting takes on the form:


Arrays are mutable which means you may subscript the array and modify the contents at a specific index.

Arrays can be concatenated with the binary + operator.

Arrays can be compared with the logical operators == !=.


Tables are dictionaries that operate like dynamic structures, they can be keyed by any type except a table itself; however, they are often keyed with atoms.

Tables take on the form:

table = { :member = value, :foo = "123", "bar" = 1 };

For atoms as keys, tables can be subscripted with:


For keys which are not atoms, subscripting can be acomplished with the value of the key itself, for instance:


This also allows for subscripting with atoms as values; thus, the following two are functionally equivlant


Tables are dynamic, you can add keys and values after the table was initially created, for example:

table = { :a = 1, "b" = 2 };
table.c = 1;
table["c"] = 2;

Tables can be promoted to classes if they contain at least one value which is a function or lambda who's first formal is named self.

table = { :a = fn(self, foo) { self.member + foo; }, :member = 200 };
table.a(100); // self is passed implicitly

Tables can be compared with logical operators == !=.


A fun little example

fn triangle(n) =>
    for y in range(0, n) {
        for i in range(0, n - 1 - y) => print(" ");
        for x in range(0, n) =>
            if x & n - 1 - y => print("  "); else => print("* ");

The range function allows you to construct an array of integers within some range.

>>> range(0, 5);
[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
>>> range(-5, 3);
[-5, -4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2]

The map function lets you map a function to a sequence such that the function is called for each of the sequence's items and returns an array of the return values. For example we can compute some cubes:

>>> map(fn(x) => x * x * x, range(1, 11));
[1, 8, 27, 64, 125, 216, 343, 512, 729, 1000]

The filter function lets you pick out items in a sequence with a function which needs to evaluate :true. A list is constructed for each of the sequence's items where that function returns :true.

>>> filter(fn(x) => x % 2 == 0, range(1, 6));
[2, 4]

The reduce function returns a single value constructed by calling a binary function on the first two items of the subsequence, then on the result and the next item, and so on. For example, to compute the sum of a range of numbers:

>>> reduce(fn(x, y) => x + y, range(1, 11));

Another good example for the reduce function is constructing strings from an array of strings:

>>> reduce(fn(x, y) => x + y, [ "hello ", "world" ]);
"hello world"

The length function lets you query the length of an array or a string:

>>> length(range(1, 11));
>>> length("hello world");

The print and println functions let you print and print lines. They take variable number of arguments and are formatted in the order arguments are passed to it.

print(1, 3.14, [1, 2, 3]);
1 3.14 [1, 2, 3]

The find function lets you find substrings or subsequences within arrays and returns the index of where that occurs.

>>> find([1, 2, 3, 1], [2, 3]);
>>> find("hello world", "world");
>>> find([1, [2, 3], 1], [[2, 3]]);

There are a plethora of math functions as well.