
Demo repository for the hardhat-graph plugin

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Hardhat-graph Demo

A repository demonstrating how the hardhat-graph plugin can be used to allow devs to simultaniously develop and test their contracts and subgraphs, and how to index their contract by running local grah node against a local hardhat node.


  1. Run yarn or npm install to install the dependencies
  2. Run yarn graph-codegen or npm run graph-codegen

Run matchstick test:

  1. Just run yarn graph-test or npm run graph-test

Run hardhat tests:

  1. Just run npx hardhat test

How to index the contract on localhost network:

  1. You will need 3 terminal windows/tabs open
  2. In one of the windows/tabs run yarn hardhat-local or npm run hardhat-local
  3. In another window/tab run yarn graph-local or npm run graph-local
  4. Deploy the contracts:
  • npx hardhat deploy --contract-name DemoNFT
  • npx hardhat deploy --contract-name NFTAuction

NOTE: You can check the deploy task in the hardhat.config.ts file. After compiling and deploying the contract to the local hardhat node, it will execute the built-in graph task from the hardhat-graph plugin. In this case it will update the abi's in the subgraph folder(nft-auction-sungraph), it will update the networks.json file with the addresses of the deployed contracts. You'll get a warning informing you that there are differences between the events in your contract's ABI and the subgraph.yaml (In this case we don't want to index all the events so we can ignore the warning) If you make any changes to the sungraph.yaml or schema.graph files, you will have to run the codegen command in order to update the generated files. You can check more info about what each hardhat-graph command does here: https://github.com/graphprotocol/hardhat-graph#tasks. This is only an example usage, you can create your own workflow that better suites your needs.

  1. Build the subgraph by executing yarn build --network localhost or npm run build --network localhost.

NOTE: The --network option will tell the build command to get the latest configurations (address and startBlock) for the localhost network from the networks.json config file and update the subgraph.yaml file. (Soon this step will be redundant, because the network option will be directly added to the deploy command)

  1. Create a subgraph on the local graph node by running yarn create-local or npm run create-local
  2. Deploy the subgraph on the local graph node by running yarn deploy-local or npm run deploy-local

NOTE: Since graph-cli 0.32.0, the --network option is available for the deloy command, so now you can run yarn deploy-local --network localhost or npm run deploy-local -- --network localhost and skip step 5

  1. Now you can interact with the contract by running the scripts in the scripts directory with npx hardhat run <script>:
  • scripts/start-auction.ts - will mint and open an auction for a DemoNFT with ID 1
  • scripts/start-auction-minted.ts - will mint and transfer a DemoNFT with ID 2 to a new owner, then that owner will open an Auction
  • scripts/demo1-bids.ts - will create several bids for the DemoNFT with ID 1
  • scripts/demo2-bids.ts - will create several bids for the DemoNFT with ID 2

NOTE: The bid system works in the following way. Instead of returning the previous bid when someone else submits a higher bid, the contract keeps and tracks the amount each bidder has commited so far for that Auction, and expects the next bid to be equal to (current highest bid + bid step) - amount the bidder has bid so far. For example if bidder1 has made an itial bid of 1 eth, bidder2 should submit 1,1 eth. If bidder1 wants to outbid bidder2, they don't have to send the whole amount, e.g. 1,2 eth, but only 0.2eth, because the inital 1eth is kept and tracked by the contract. After the Auction has ended, every bidder can withdraw their eth from the contract.

  1. You can query the subgraph by opening the following url in your browser