
⚙️ Transformer function to transform GraphQL Directives. Create model CRUD directive for example

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Transform GraphQL

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We use GraphQL transformers. Examples are Graphback, Dgraph, AWS Amplify. This library provides function that given any GraphQL schema creates new GraphQL schemas basing on transformer functions.


npm i transform-graphql

How it works

Provide original schema with your transformer directives and an array of transformer functions defined by TransformerDef type

import { TransformGraphQLSchema } from 'transform-graphql';

const transformedSchema = TransformGraphQLSchema({ 
    schema: inputSchema, 
    transformers: [transformerCRUD] 

This short example simply shows what transform GraphQL is about:

Given the schema:

type Post @model{
    name: String!
    content: String!
    createdAt: String!

type Query{
type Mutation{

directive @model on OBJECT

where model is our actual transformer

We expect schema to be transformed into

directive @model on OBJECT

input CreatePost{
    name: String!
    content: String!
    createdAt: String!

input DetailsPost{
    id: String!

type Mutation{
    version: String
    post: PostMutation

type Post @model{
    name: String!
    content: String!
    createdAt: String!

type PostMutation{
            post: CreatePost
    ): String!
            post: UpdatePost
            details: DetailsPost
    ): String!
            details: DetailsPost
    ): String!

type PostQuery{
    list: [Post!]!
            details: DetailsPost
    ): Post

type Query{
    version: String
    post: PostQuery
input UpdatePost{
    name: String!
    content: String!
    createdAt: String!
    query: Query,
    mutation: Mutation

And the transformer code should look like this

const inputSchema = `
type Post @model{
    name: String!
    content: String!
    createdAt: String!

type Query{
type Mutation{
const transformerCRUD: TransformerDef = {
  transformer: ({ field, operations }) => {
    if (!field.args) {
      throw new Error('Model can be used only for types');
    if (!operations.query) {
      throw new Error('Query type required');
    if (!operations.mutation) {
      throw new Error('Query type required');
    return `
      input Create${field.name}{
          ${TreeToGraphQL.parse({ nodes: field.args })}
      input Update${field.name}{
          ${TreeToGraphQL.parse({ nodes: field.args })}
      input Details${field.name}{
          id: String!
      type ${field.name}Query{
          list: [${field.name}!]!
          getByDetails(details: Details${field.name}): ${field.name}
      type ${field.name}Mutation{
          create( ${field.name[0].toLowerCase() + field.name.slice(1)}: Create${field.name} ): String!
          update( ${field.name[0].toLowerCase() + field.name.slice(1)}: Update${field.name}, details: Details${
    } ): String!
          remove( details: Details${field.name} ): String!
      extend type ${operations.query.name}{
          ${field.name[0].toLowerCase() + field.name.slice(1)}: ${field.name}Query
      extend type ${operations.mutation.name}{
          ${field.name[0].toLowerCase() + field.name.slice(1)}: ${field.name}Mutation
  directiveName: 'model',
const transformedSchema = TransformGraphQLSchema({ schema: GraphQLTransform, transformers: [transformerCRUD] });
//transfomed schema should look like in the example


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