- 8
When used with webflux and spring security the current implementation will cause the SecurityContext to be lost
#8 opened by huntj88 - 2
- 3
graphql query methond mapping
#15 opened by songzeyang1024 - 8
Multipart upload
#14 opened by jakubbrodzinski - 7
CORS configuration
#11 opened by mghaigh - 1
- 2
Provide configuration to disable the GET HTTP method, and consider disabling it by default
#28 opened by mcohen75 - 6
Request-scoped DataLoaderRegistry blows up
#21 opened by kijanowski - 2
- 1
Incorrect handling of POST query param
#33 opened by nowicki-maciej - 1
Upgrade to GraphQL 16.2
#35 opened by aoudiamoncef - 1
Spring boot version upgrade
#40 opened by tomasz-galuszka - 5
Add support for subscriptions
#7 opened by marceloverdijk - 1
Can not acquire the query context(dataFetchingEnviornment) when implement 'GraphQLResolver' to handle query.
#41 opened by wuych96 - 1
Do Not Support Subscriptions Autoconfigure
#34 opened by tq02ksu - 2
Please, Release with DataLoader
#26 opened by etienne-sf - 1
graphql-java v15 changed graphql.Assert in ways that breaks graphql-java-spring-webmvc
#31 opened by skingsland - 1
- 1
Can't get current ServerWebExchange object using Mono.subscriberContext in webflux.
#27 opened by jaggerwang - 0
Properties: graphql.url does not work
#22 opened by xyombo - 1
Using gzip on graphql-java-spring-webmvc
#20 opened by jmdsg - 1
Any benefits compared to graphql-spring-boot?
#17 opened by michael-fl - 8
- 5
- 2
Can we expect integration with Spring Security?
#2 opened by gnom7