
This widget will be used to display several currency exchanges rates and it will allow the user to exchange USD for Crypto.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Exchange Widget

This widget simulates a application to exchange crypto for several currencies. The application consists of a React front-end client.




Typescript React TailwindCSS

Live Project


How to use

Install NodeJs packages

$ yarn

Run project on local

$ yarn run dev

Run tests

$ yarn test

Build project

$ yarn build


Custom date picker example https://betterprogramming.pub/create-a-custom-date-picker-with-react-and-typescript-from-scratch-25d44dc0b76d

Accessible UI components https://headlessui.dev

Utility-first CSS https://tailwindcss.com

Icons https://phosphoricons.com

Fake data https://fakerjs.dev

Date Handler https://day.js.org/en/

Mock server https://miragejs.com

Cache and update data https://react-query.tanstack.com/

Client HTTP https://axios-http.com/ptbr/docs/intro

Testing https://jestjs.io/pt-BR/ https://testing-library.com/