HTML Attributes in React

By now, you are familiar with rendering HTML in React and how to extract this HTML into a custom component.

Let's now focus on HTML attributes in JSX and the (minor) differences to normal HTML.

Have a look at the App.js file: you will find the App returning a single <div>.


Write an Article component and use it to replace the given <div>.

Your component should contain the following parts:

  • an <article> as a wrapper HTML element with the class article
  • an <h2> with the class article__title and a text of your choice
  • a <label> and <input> tag connected with id and htmlFor (!) attributes
  • an <a> tag with the class article__link as well as text content and href attribute of your choice (What about a Wikipedia article?)


  • You rendered Article component does not have any styling? Remember that you need to use className instead of class in JSX.
  • You only have to touch the App.js file.


Local Development

To work locally, please install the dependencies using npm i first.

Run npm run start to start a development server and open the displayed URL in a browser.

CodeSandbox Cloud

Select the "Preview: 3000" tab to view this project.

The npm run start script runs automatically.


You can use the following commands:

  • npm run start to start a development server