
Write tests for Botkit.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Botkit-Mock - Write tests for Botkit.

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  1. npm install --save-dev botkit-mock
  2. Require botkit-mock in your test: const { BotMock } = require('botkit-mock');
  3. Require your controller in your test: const fileBeingTested = require("./indexController")
  4. Follow test case examples seen here

General Information

Botkit depends on adapters (Slack, Facebook, MS Teams, etc). Botkit-Mock is an extension of Botkit that provides an interface for accepting user messages through .usersInput. You can connect any valid Botkit adapters to Botkit-Mock to extend Botkit-Mock, although currently, we have only provided an extension for Slack.

Basic Usage

Testing Controllers

Assuming you have a controller written like below:

module.exports = function(controller) {
    // simple answer
    controller.hears(['help'], 'direct_message', function (bot, message) {
        bot.reply(message, 'help message');

You can write a describe block to test your controller:

const { BotMock, SlackApiMock } = require('botkit-mock');
const {SlackAdapter, SlackMessageTypeMiddleware, SlackEventMiddleware} = require('botbuilder-adapter-slack');

const yourController = require("./yourController");

describe('slack message',()=>{
       const adapter = new SlackAdapter(SlackApiMock.slackAdapterMockParams);
        adapter.use(new SlackEventMiddleware());
        adapter.use(new SlackMessageTypeMiddleware());
        this.controller = new BotMock({
            adapter: adapter,
            disable_webserver: true

In your it statement, use the controller.usersInput method to define the conversation.

it('should return `help message` if user types `help`', async () => {
    const message = await this.controller.usersInput(
                type: "message",
                user: 'someUserId',
                channel: 'someChannel',
                messages: [
                        text: 'help', isAssertion: true

    return assert.equal(message.text, 'help message');

/* example of botkit response
		type: 'message',
		text: 'help message',
		attachmentLayout: undefined,
		attachments: undefined,
		suggestedActions: undefined,
		speak: undefined,
		inputHint: undefined,
		summary: undefined,
		textFormat: undefined,
		importance: undefined,
		deliveryMode: undefined,
		expiration: undefined,
		value: undefined,
			channelId: 'slack',
			serviceUrl: '',
			conversation: { 
				id: 'someChannel', 
				thread_ts: null 
				id: '' 
		recipient: { id: 'someUserId' } },
		channelId: 'slack',
		serviceUrl: undefined,
		conversation: { id: 'someChannel', thread_ts: null },
		from: { id: undefined },
		recipient: { id: 'someUserId' } 

.usersInput options

  1. user user slackId (required) (string)
  2. channel is a channel where user sends messages (required) (string)
  3. type specify botkit message type. ie direct_message, message_received, interactive_message_callback. (defaults to direct_message) (string)
  4. messages (array) that includes:
    • isAssertion indicates which conversation response array to return in .then() in multi-user testing. (required) (boolean)
    • deep indicates the index of the conversation response to return in .then(). 0 (default) is the last response, 1 is the second-to-last, etc.. (integer)
    • timeout set timeout for message in milliseconds (integer)
    • waitBefore alias for timeout, indicates how many milliseconds to wait before sending the message to the bot (integer)
    • waitAfter indicates how many milliseconds to wait for the bot response, useful for long-running commands (integer)
    • text the message's text (string)
    • channel indicates the channel the message was sent in. This overrides the channel defined in usersInput for this current message. (string)
    • ...any other fields you may be testing for including attachments, callback_id, etc...

Slack Adapter Information

The Slack adapter is located in ./lib/slack. The ApiMock allows you to test Slack's API. It binds the following properties to the Botkit-Mock controller.

  • controller.axiosMockAdapter - Axios mock helps to mock requests to the Slack API. Examples of this are used in ./examples/general-slack/updateApiResponsesSpec.
  • controller.apiLogByKey - This contains information about results of requests through bot.api.
  • controller.httpBodyLog - This contains an array of Botkit responses to Slack usually set through httpBody().


Botkit-Mock supports all of Botkit's core functionality by default, but we need help creating adapters for platforms other than Slack. To add functionality to Botkit-Mock for your favorite chat platform, please open an issue and we can advise.


Built by the team at https://www.gratify.ai.

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