- 0
- 1
Finish Reading chapter
#58 opened by wfmackey - 1
fix `sf` install on Github Actions
#71 opened by wfmackey - 3
- 1
Finish maps visualisation section
#69 opened by wfmackey - 0
- 1
Add this tweet summary to dplyr chapter
#67 opened by wfmackey - 0
Add `purrr` explainer to functions chapter
#59 opened by wfmackey - 2
Topic requests
#61 opened by wfmackey - 0
add a bunch of Allison Hill graphics
#65 opened by wfmackey - 0
Point people to Flowing Data course
#48 opened by wfmackey - 1
Make checkable exercises
#50 opened by wfmackey - 2
Some good ideas for in-person coding training
#39 opened by MattCowgill - 3
Exercises at the bottom of (some) chapters
#41 opened by wfmackey - 0
Use some of this material
#42 opened by MattCowgill - 3
Use `flair`
#47 opened by wfmackey - 8
Develop main 'data project'
#6 opened by wfmackey - 0
Chapter: worked examples
#22 opened by wfmackey - 0
add 'tl;dr' sections
#34 opened by MattCowgill - 2
add example of folder structure
#37 opened by MattCowgill - 1
- 1
add 'Explore more' callout boxes
#63 opened by wfmackey - 1
fix image sizes
#64 opened by wfmackey - 5
Update to `bs4_book`
#62 opened by wfmackey - 0
incorporate link to `grattan-analysis-template`
#55 opened by wfmackey - 0
put this GIF somewhere
#43 opened by MattCowgill - 1
add this humorous tweet
#51 opened by MattCowgill - 4
Chapter: importing data
#21 opened by MattCowgill - 1
Chapter: Transforming data
#23 opened by wfmackey - 18
Chapter: Data visualisation
#9 opened by wfmackey - 4
Chapter: Cleaning data
#20 opened by MattCowgill - 5
Chapter: Using R at Grattan
#17 opened by MattCowgill - 3
The title: an indecent proposal
#19 opened by wfmackey - 3
Installation guide linked to matt section 5.1
#53 opened by lachlanfox - 1
What is the best data flow for the document?
#8 opened by wfmackey - 3
use github actions rather than travis
#52 opened by wfmackey - 0
Provide `sa3_income` data to download
#49 opened by wfmackey - 1
- 0
Some ideas to use
#44 opened by MattCowgill - 6
move repo to Grattan
#36 opened by MattCowgill - 0
add warning against using `rm(list = ls())`
#30 opened by MattCowgill - 0
comments from @jamesha95
#33 opened by MattCowgill - 0
- 1
Rename repo
#31 opened by wfmackey - 1
#18 opened by MattCowgill - 2
should we load packages in each chapter?
#14 opened by MattCowgill - 4
Set up Travis
#11 opened by wfmackey - 2
Don't number chapters
#12 opened by MattCowgill - 2
Downloading data directly to `read_csv`
#7 opened by wfmackey - 1
live build of bookdown
#5 opened by MattCowgill