Time-Constrained Continuous Subgraph Matching Using Temporal Information for Filtering and Backtracking

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Time-Constrained Continuous Subgraph Matching Using Temporal Information for Filtering and Backtracking


./TCM_network <data_graph_file> <query_graph_file> <window_size> # for Netflow
./TCM_snap <data_graph_file> <query_graph_file> <window_size> # for Wikitalk and Superuser

Experiments in the paper

  • Each script file in scripts directory reproduces the results of the experiments in the paper.
    • netflow_varying_query_size.sh: Figure 7a, 7b
    • wikitalk_varying_query_size.sh: Figure 7c, 7d
    • superuser_varying_query_size.sh: Figure 7e, 7f
    • netflow_varying_density.sh: Figure 8a, 8b
    • wikitalk_varying_density.sh: Figure 8c, 8d
    • superuser_varying_density.sh: Figure 8e, 8f
    • netflow_varying_window_size.sh: Figure 9a, 9b
    • wikitalk_varying_window_size.sh: Figure 9c, 9d
    • superuser_varying_window_size.sh: Figure 9e, 9f
  • The results will be stored in results/<exp_name> directory.


Put graph files into datasets directory.

Input File Format

Data graph file format is a text format to store a directed temporal data graph.

  • The first line of the file should be "t # ID".
  • Following lines of "v vertex-ID vertex-label" indicate the vertices in the graph.
    • The vertices should be written in the file in ascending order of their IDs, and a vertex ID should be in [0, #vertices - 1].
  • Edges are represented as follows:
    • Following lines of "e source-ID destination-ID source-port destination-port edge-label sec msec" indicate the edges in the graph for Netflow.
    • Following lines of "e source-ID destination-ID edge-label sec" indicate the edges in the graph for Wikitalk and Superuser.

Query graph file format is a text format to store a directed temporal query graph.

  • The first line of a graph should be "t # s ID".
  • Following lines of "v vertex-ID vertex-label" indicate the vertices in the graph.
  • Edges are represented as follows:
    • Following lines of "e source-ID destination-ID edge-label source-port destination-port" indicate the edges in the graph for Netflow.
    • Following lines of "e source-ID destination-ID edge-label" indicate the edges in the graph for Wikitalk and Superuser.
    • The ID of the $i$-th edge in the file is $i-1$.
  • Following lines of "b edge-ID1 edge-ID2" indicate that the strict partial order edge-ID1 $\prec$ edge-ID2 holds.