
A Vue JS component for displaying dynamic data on a world map.

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

World Map Vue

A Vue JS Component for displaying dynamic data on a world map. You can use a different color for each individual country and display information overlays associated to each country by hover or click events.

Forked from Ghrehh's world-map-vue and mrityunjaygr8

Map from amCharts


Install via npm using npm install world-map-vue


The original component from Ghrehh is most useful in creating a heat map for various countries. And will color countries differently based on a props passed. This feature is still available on this fork. Please check the original documentation if you are interested in that feature/usage: https://github.com/Ghrehh/world-map-vue

This version focuses on providing events support (based on mrityunjaygr8) (mouseenter, mouseleave and click) and beign able to color the countries with different colors.

To activate this feature you need to set the property countryColors as true and provide countryData property with valid CSS colors for each country you want to color:

  US: '#2200AA',
  CA: 'red',
  UK: 'rgba(200, 200, 255, 0.1)',

Where the key is a country's ISO 3166 Code and the value is a numerical value associated with it.


Props Description Optional
countryData Object. See Usage Section above for details no
countryColors Boolean. See Usage Section above for details. Defaults to true yes
showOverlay Boolean. You can dynamically use the mouseenter/mouseleave events to show an overlay containing the contents defined in a slot. yes
lowColor String (color). Countries with lower values will be colored more strongly with this color. Will be ignored if countryColors is true yes
highColor String (color). Countries with higher values will be colored more strongly with this color. Will be ignored if countryColors is true yes
defaultCountryFillColor String (color). Countries with no data will default to this color yes
countryStrokeColor String (color). The color of the border around countries yes
showColorBar Boolean. Deciedes whether to show a color bar displaying the low and the high colors, or not. Defaults to true yes

Hover Events

The component emits the event mouseenter when the mouse enters a country's border, with the country's node as the payload.
Similarly the component also emits the mouseleave event when the mouse leaves the country's border.
Together, these two events can be used for hover actions, or displaying additional data on hover.

Use then in your component as:

  <vueWorldMap :countryData="stats.group_by_country" @mouseleave="on_mouseleave" @mouseenter="on_mouseenter" />

where on_mouseenter and on_mouseleave are defined among the methods of your component.

Both on_mouseenter and on_mouseleave return the country's ISO 3166 Code, using which the value can be found from the countryData property

Overlay Panel

You can show overlay information by setting the property showOverlay to true. An overlay will be shown on top of the map with the contents you include within a slot: (named overlay)

    <template v-slot:overlay>
       // -> Your components here 

/* ... */

 methods: {
   onMouseEnterMapCountry (countryCode) {
     this.showMapOverlay = true
     // Update your data/property to be displayed on the overlay.
   onMouseLeaveMapCountry () {
     this.showMapOverlay = false
   onClickMapCountry (data) {
     console.log('Click Country', data)

This feature is useful to show related information to countries after clicking or hovering over them.

Other changes

  • All dependencies have been updated to their latest versions.
  • Eslint and coding styles migrated to comply with JS Standard and the Vue Recommended ruleset.
  • The original implementation left the map CSS tag and rules in the body. This version removes them to avoid styling issues and to not clutter the HTML.