
An AutoGPT plugin to enable communication with WolframAlpha for solving math problems, and getting information.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

AutoGPT-WolframAlpha Plugin 🔢

An AutoGPT plugin to enable communication with WolframAlpha for solving math problems and getting information.

Screenshot 2023-05-03 at 7 45 54 PM

📚 Requirements

  1. Python Package: Install the WolframAlpha Python package:

pip install wolframalpha

  1. WolframAlpha API Key: Obtain a WolframAlpha API key by signing up for a free account at the WolframAlpha Developer Portal and creating an app. After creating the app, you will receive an APP_ID.

  2. Install Plugin: Install the plugin by running the following command:

Mac / Linux / WSL

cd plugins && git clone https://github.com/gravelBridge/AutoGPT-WolframAlpha.git && zip -r ./AutoGPT-WolframAlpha.zip ./AutoGPT-WolframAlpha && rm -rf ./AutoGPT-WolframAlpha && cd .. && ./run.sh --install-plugin-deps

Windows, Powershell

cd plugins; git clone https://github.com/gravelBridge/AutoGPT-WolframAlpha.git; Compress-Archive -Path .\AutoGPT-WolframAlpha -DestinationPath .\AutoGPT-WolframAlpha.zip; Remove-Item -Recurse -Force .\AutoGPT-WolframAlpha; cd ..

🔧 Configuration

  1. Update the .env file: Add the following lines to your .env file:

WOLFRAM_ALPHA_APP_ID = your_app_id
  1. Allowlist Plugin: In your .env file, search for ALLOWLISTED_PLUGINS and add this plugin:

#ALLOWLISTED_PLUGINS - Sets the listed plugins that are allowed (Example: plugin1,plugin2,plugin3)

🚀 Usage

After installing the package and configuring the settings, you can use the AutoGPT-WolframAlpha plugin to allow AutoGPT to solve math problems and obtain information from WolframAlpha.


  1. Configure Auto-GPT: Set up Auto-GPT with the following parameters:
  • Name: MathSolverGPT
  • Role: an ai designed to follow user instructions
  • Goals:
    1. Goal 1: Solve the integral of x^2 from 0 to 3
    2. Goal 2: Terminate
  1. Run Auto-GPT: Launch Auto-GPT, which should use the WolframAlpha plugin to solve the math problem and return the result.