
A patch generation and manipulation utility for the Roland JX-8P

Primary LanguagePython


A patch generation and manipulation utility for the Roland JX-8P

I use mido and pygame, and you'll see me using it in these examples.

Get your midi I/O ready

import mido
from pygame import midi as midi

mo=mido.open_output("Bitstream 3X")
mi=mido.open_input("Bitstream 3X")

For some reason, portmidi acts strange in my environment and I can only get mido to open ports after I do pygame.midi.init()

import the patcher

import jx8p_patcher as jx8p

This module has stuff for working with the jx8p sysex files and will create objects which represent a JX-8P patch

make patch instances

# You send a patch to a mido output port like this:
# mo.send(jx8p.message(p))

Interpolation example

This will probably be built into the module as time goes on, but for now, this is how I do interpolation.

def cclerp(patch1, patch2):
  while True:
    m = mi.receive() # `mi` is a mido input port
    if m.type == 'control_change':
      p=jx8p.lerp2(patch1, patch2, m.value)

randomized patch generation

import random
def rp():
  p = jx8p.Patch()
  for param in p.parameters:
    param.value = random.randint(0,128)
  return p

Lerping two random sysex files from a directory

import os, random
def rsyx(dirpath):
  syxfiles=[s for s in filepaths if "SYX" in s]
  return dirpath + '\\' + rand.choice(syxfiles)

my_sysex_folder = r"C:\sysex\dir"

cclerp(p1, p2)