
Feed Forward Neural Network + linear models implemetnation.

Primary LanguagePython


This project consists of multiple modules:

  • neural_network is the more important, and it contains what is needed to develop and run a Neural Network:

    • neural_net.py contains the core functionalities for the neural netowrk, i.e. fit, evaluate, backpropagation, gradient_computation, ... ;
    • activation_func.py contains the implementation of a number of activation functions that can be used on the Neural Network;
    • loss_func.py contains the implementation of a different loss functions that can be used to train the Neural Network;
    • optimizer.py contains the implementation of different optimization algorithms, i.e. SGD, Momentum, Adam, AdaMax;
    • loss_func.py contains the implementation of a L1 and L2 regularization function.
  • linear_model to develop and run a linear model

    • linear_least_square.py contains the core functionalities for a least square regression model, i.e. predict, fit, normalization, ... ;
    • optimizer.py contains the implementation of different optimization algorithms, i.e. SGD, Momentum, Adam, AdaMax;
    • QRdecomposition.py contains the core functionalities to run a linear least square solver based on the QR decomposition;
    • error_functions.py contains all the loss functions used to create a level plot to show the paths followed by the different optimization alghorithms.
  • model_selection to perform a validation over the Neural Network:

    • generate_folds.py contains the functions to split the data into folds to perform k-fold cross validation or nested cross validation;
    • model_selection.py to perform the model selection or the nested cross validation.
  • preprocessing to preprocess the data:

    • task.py defines the task for the Neural Network;
    • hyperparameters.py defines the hyperparameters to be validate with the model selection;
    • experiment_settings.py to define the performance function for the network evaluation
    • parserExcel.py to extract the data from a spreadsheet.
  • plot is the module to generate plots

    • net_plot.py to plot the structure of the Neural Network;
    • plot_graph.py to plot different kind of graphs like the curvature of the loss function.
  • test is the module to perform different tests over different datasets

    • MLcup_test.py to run the tests with the MLcup dataset;
    • monk_test.py to run the tests with the Monk dataset;
    • test.py to run test on handcrafted datasets and in particular to test the paths followed by the different optimizer algorithms.
  • data_set contains the spreadshits with the dataset used for the experiments.

Moreover, there are also some external important file:

  • main.py is the main file to run all the experiments related to the Neural Network;
  • main_linear_model.py is the main file to run all the experiments related to the linear solvers;
  • keras_nn.py is used to create an equivalent Neural Network to the one created with our framework, using the same starting weights;