React Data Table · npm package CI storybook

A React component for rendering tables.

Cell grouping is supported: rows are first sorted by grouped columns. Grouping is incompatible with the dynamicRender option.

Multi-column sorting is also supported. Ctrl+Click on a column adds a column at the end of the sort list. A simple Click sorts the table by this column only. Sorting order is switched in the sequence: none -> default -> reversed default -> none.


Property Type Required Default Description
columns Array List of table columns
headerData Array A list of rows with data that will be shown inside the header. If the header is sticky, the rows will also stick. The same methods apply to them as to rows in data (headerData)
data Array List of data rows
footerData Array A list of rows with data to be sent into the table footer. The same methods apply to them as to strings in data
startIndex Number 0 Initial index (used to show row indexes)
settings Object Table settings
emptyDataMessage String 'No data' The message shown when the data is empty
renderEmptyRow Function A custom renderer for an empty table row, accepts an array of columns (columns) => ReactNode
rowClassName Function A method that sets the class for a string (row, index, isFooterRow, isHeaderRow) => (<string> )
rowKey Function A method that returns the value of react-key (row, index) => (<scalar_type_value> ). The default method returns || index
initialSortOrder Object Initial sorting in the format{columnId: <string>, order: <DataTable.ASCENDING | DataTable.DESCENDING>} or a list of such objects.
theme String 'yandex-cloud' The name of the theme. To use the built-in table theme, use the 'legacy' value. For compatibility with @gravity-ui/uikit colors, use 'yandex-cloud' (default)
onSort Function Sort listener ([{columnId: <string>, order: <DataTable.ASCENDING | DataTable.DESCENDING>}]) => void. Use it to save the sorting state and pass it to the initialSortOrder on page refresh.
sortOrder Object Sorting in the format {columnId: <string>, order: <DataTable.ASCENDING | DataTable.DESCENDING>} or a list of such objects.
onResize Function Resize listener (columnId: string, newWidth: number) => void. Use it to save new column width.
visibleRowIndex Function A method (row, index) => number that returns the row index shown in the column enabled by the displayIndices flag. Use it to specify a correct row index when applying external sorting
onRowClick Function Click listener for a row (row, index, event) => void
nullBeforeNumbers Boolean A flag that sets the position of null/undefined values when sorting. If true, null/undefined values are shown at the top in the case of ascending order and at the bottom in the case of descending order. If false/undefined, they are shown at the bottom
getColSpansOfRow Function Configuring column spanning for each row ({ row, columns, index, headerData, span, footer, odd }) => {[colName: string]: number} / undefined


Property Type Default Description
displayIndices Boolean true Whether to show row indexes (starting from startIndex)
stickyHead DataTable.FIXED DataTable.MOVING Enable sticky header in one of two modes. The DataTable.FIXED mode is used if the table container is fixed relative to the page. If the page with a container is scrollable, better use DataTable.MOVING, but for this your browser needs to support position: sticky. Otherwise, sticky header will be completely disabled.
stickyTop Number Stick the header at the desired height (in the DataTable.MOVING mode). Use it if the scrollable container includes other content apart from the table. If the header fails to stick to the edge of the container, better use exactly positioned spacers so that the table content does not bulge out above the top of the header.
stickyFooter see stickyHead It's similar to stickyHead for footerData
stickyBottom Number Stick rows from footerData with proper bottom margin (in the DataTable.MOVING mode).
syncHeadOnResize Boolean false Sync the size of a sticky header when resizing the window
dynamicInnerRef React.RefObject<DynamicInnerRefT> A ref to get a ReactList instance when you want to call methods directly, for example, ReactList.scrollTo. DynamicInnerRefT is also exported as Settings to correctly define the type without adding a project-dependent ReactList.
dynamicRender Boolean false Dynamic rendering of rows (viewport only). Requires a specific layout
dynamicRenderType String 'uniform' ReactList.type
dynamicItemSizeEstimator Function ReactList.itemSizeEstimator
dynamicItemSizeGetter Function ReactList.itemSizeGetter
dynamicRenderMinSize Number 1 A minimum number of rows to be rendered in any case, even if a smaller number of rows fills the container height completely (this makes sense if dynamicRender is enabled). The value is passed to the minSize property of the ReactList component.
dynamicRenderUseStaticSize Boolean false ReactList.useStaticSize
dynamicRenderThreshold Number ReactList.threshold
dynamicRenderScrollParentGetter Function ReactList.scrollParentGetter
dynamicRenderScrollParentViewportSizeGetter Function ReactList.scrollParentViewportSizeGetter
sortable Boolean true Enable sorting for the entire table
externalSort Boolean false Disable data sorting on the component side. Read more
disableSortReset Boolean false Disable sort reset (enables the none -> default <-> reversed default sort scheme)
defaultOrder DataTable.ASCENDING DataTable.DESCENDING DataTable.ASCENDING Default sort order in the table
defaultResizeable Boolean false Value that is used to determine whether column is resizeable, if no explicit value for column is set
highlightRows Boolean Highlighting table rows on hover
stripedRows Boolean Whether to color even/odd rows
headerMod multiline pre Enable a multi-line (the multiline value) or pre-formatted header (the pre value)


Disables data sorting on the component side. Please note that:

  • The table continues to be the primary source of the sort state (selected columns and sort direction) and is also responsible for the correct rendering of table headers in accordance with this state.
  • The external environment must pass to the table correctly sorted rows in responding to the props.onSort callback call.
  • Grouping of column values is disabled (see


Columns let you flexibly customize rendering of cells. In its simplest form, the column description looks as follows:

  "name": "column_name"

The cell will show row.column_name as it is.

The name field is the only mandatory field. The remaining fields are described below:

Property Type Description
name string Column name and default value for the header and accessor
header string or node Column header
headerTitle string Header title
className string Column class
width         string | number Column width
resizeable     boolean Determines whether column width can be changed. Applied only if onResize function is passed.
resizeMinWidth number Min column width for resize.
resizeMaxWidth number Max column width for resize.
align DataTable.LEFT DataTable.CENTER DataTable.RIGHT Text alignment in a cell
accessor func Callback (row) => (value). Use it if you want to display deeply "hidden" values in the column. For example: (row) => (row.child1.child2[0].value)
title string or func:string Callback (row) => (title). Lets you set a fixed title (in the case of string) or a dynamic title for column cells. Returns a string.
render func:node Callback ({value, row, index}) => (node). Lets you render a cell in an arbitrary way. As an input, it gets a value, a whole row, or a row index. Returns a React node.
customStyle func Callback ({row, index, header, name}) => (styleObject). Lets you set a custom style for the cell. In the callback, you pass a string with data, an index, a column name, and a flag whether the cell is a header. At the output, you expect an object with styles following the React syntax.
onClick func Callback (row, column) => (). The onClick listener on the cell.
sortable Boolean Whether the column is sortable.
defaultOrder DataTable.ASCENDING DataTable.DESCENDING A default sorting order in the column.
sortAccessor func Callback (row) => (value). Use it if you want to sort by a value other than value, or if value is non-scalar.
sortAscending func Callback ({row, index, span?}, {row, index, span?}) => (sortValue). Use if you want to customize sorting completely.
sub array Nested columns
group Boolean Groups the same values into one cell, allowing you to create complex tables. More details
autogroup Boolean Enables ascending sorting across all columns with group, resulting in autogrouping. Defaults to true


Groups the same values into one cell. Please note that:

  • Grouping is incompatible with the Settings.dynamicRender option, and, when they are enabled together, the table might work poorly.
  • Grouping is disabled when the Settings.externalSort option is enabled
  • It is worth disabling the Settings.stripedRows and Settings.highlightRows settings.

Multi-level header

Nested columns are set up in the sub field. For columns with attachments, except for the sub field, only fields that affect the header make sense: name, header, headerTitle, align, and customStyle.


The headerData property lets you add rows to the beginning of the table. However, if the header is sticky, the rows will stick along with the header. In the sticky header mode, such rows won't affect the column width, so you might need to specify the column width.

Customizing with themes

The table contains several customized elements. To set colors for them, use CSS variables (in the example, the topic values are internal):

--data-table-color-base: #ffffff;
--data-table-color-stripe: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03);
--data-table-border-color: #dddddd;
--data-table-color-hover-area: #ffeba0;
--data-table-color-footer-area: var(--data-table-color-base);

Custom cell colors

Table cells can be rendered using an arbitrary style. If used incorrectly, it might break the layout!

Using react-data-table with non-standard fonts

When using the stickyHead prop and a non-standard font for table data, sizes of header columns and table columns might mismatch. This might be the issue if the table data has been loaded and the table rendered before the browser has loaded a specific font.

To avoid this problem, load the desired font before rendering the table. You can do this in one of the following ways:

  1. Use <link rel="preload"> in the <head> element of your HTML code
  <meta charset="utf-8" />
  <title>Web font example</title>


  <link href="style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

Please note that in this case, the font is loaded before all the content on the page is received and loaded. If you use this font only to render tables in your service, and tables aren't core to your service, the user will have to wait for a font they might never need again to upload. This method is also not supported by some modern browsers. Read more about this here.

  1. Use the fontfaceobserver package

To load a font from the JS code, first define it by the @font-face directive in the CSS code:

@font-face {
  font-family: 'My font';
  src: url('fonts/my-font.woff2') format('woff2'),
       url('fonts/my-font.woff') format('woff');
       url('fonts/my-font.ttf') format('ttf');
  font-weight: 400;
  font-style: normal;

Then you can preload the font directly with loading data for the table itself.

For one font face:

import FontFaceObserver from 'fontfaceobserver';

function preloadTableFont() {
    return new FontFaceObserver('My font').load();

function fetchData() {

function getTableData() {
  return Promise.all([
  .then([data] => {
  .catch((err) => {

For multiple font faces:

import FontFaceObserver from 'fontfaceobserver';

const lightFont = new FontFaceObserver('My font', {weight: 300});
const regularFont = new FontFaceObserver('My font', {weight: 400});

function preloadTableFont() {
    return Promise.all([

function fetchData() {

function getTableData() {
  return Promise.all([
  .then([data] => {
  .catch((err) => {

This method is fully supported by browsers and lets you download the font only for users who have opened the table.


const data = [];
const columns = [];
const startIndex = 0;

return <DataTable data={data} columns={columns} startIndex={startIndex} />;

For more information, see the sample code.