
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU Affero General Public License v3.0AGPL-3.0


Build Status Code Climate

Open Tasks



$ bundle install
$ npm install

# Edit your local configuration
$ cp .env.sample .env && $EDITOR .env
$ cp config/database.yml.sample config/database.yml

# Setup the database
$ rake db:setup

$ forego start [-f Procfile.dev] # if you have a Procfile.dev

Compiling Components.js

$ npm install
$ npm run watch

Alternatively, add the following line to your Procfile.dev:

node: npm install && npm run watch


If you need to populate the ElasticSearch index (recommended on first run):

$ rails console
irb> Wip.__elasticsearch__.client.indices.delete(index: Wip.index_name)
irb> Wip.__elasticsearch__.create_index!(force: true)
irb> Wip.import
irb> Product.__elasticsearch__.client.indices.delete(index: Product.index_name)
irb> Product.__elasticsearch__.create_index!(force: true)
irb> Product.import
irb> User.__elasticsearch__.client.indices.delete(index: User.index_name)
irb> User.__elasticsearch__.create_index!(force: true)
irb> User.import