
Python 2.4/2.6 script that can be used to download the java RPMs from Oracle's website, then rebuild the repo.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python 2.4/2.6 script (tested on RHEL) that can be used to download the java RPMs from Oracle's website, then rebuild the repo so the RPM is available.

Usage Example

You can include this as a function, or call it via the command line. It can also be run as a daily cron job that will automatically download the latest release, and rebuild the repository.

The following arguments are available:

-u: Lets you set the URL of the JRE page you're downloading from.

-U: Lets you set the URL of the JDK page you're downloading from.

-c: Allows a user to set the cookie in the event it changes.

-i: The i586 (32 bit) directory to download the RPM to.

-x: The x86_64 (64 bit) directory to download the RPM to.

-r: Option that allows you to modify the rebuild command in the event you don't just want to update the repo with the default command.