Python function to print a list of items in a columnar format for easy reading.
>>> items = dir(str)
>>> cprint(items)
__add__ __mod__ find maketrans
__class__ __mul__ format partition
__contains__ __ne__ format_map removeprefix
__delattr__ __new__ index removesuffix
__dir__ __reduce__ isalnum replace
__doc__ __reduce_ex__ isalpha rfind
__eq__ __repr__ isascii rindex
__format__ __rmod__ isdecimal rjust
__ge__ __rmul__ isdigit rpartition
__getattribute__ __setattr__ isidentifier rsplit
__getitem__ __sizeof__ islower rstrip
__getnewargs__ __str__ isnumeric split
__gt__ __subclasshook__ isprintable splitlines
__hash__ capitalize isspace startswith
__init__ casefold istitle strip
__init_subclass__ center isupper swapcase
__iter__ count join title
__le__ encode ljust translate
__len__ endswith lower upper
__lt__ expandtabs lstrip zfill
follows the Python String Format Mini-Language,
with the exception that the character w
stands in for the width
In this case, format_spec
is set to align the columns right:
>>> cprint(items, columns=6, format_spec='{:>w}')
__add__ __init__ __rmul__ format_map join rstrip
__class__ __init_subclass__ __setattr__ index ljust split
__contains__ __iter__ __sizeof__ isalnum lower splitlines
__delattr__ __le__ __str__ isalpha lstrip startswith
__dir__ __len__ __subclasshook__ isascii maketrans strip
__doc__ __lt__ capitalize isdecimal partition swapcase
__eq__ __mod__ casefold isdigit removeprefix title
__format__ __mul__ center isidentifier removesuffix translate
__ge__ __ne__ count islower replace upper
__getattribute__ __new__ encode isnumeric rfind zfill
__getitem__ __reduce__ endswith isprintable rindex
__getnewargs__ __reduce_ex__ expandtabs isspace rjust
__gt__ __repr__ find istitle rpartition
__hash__ __rmod__ format isupper rsplit