
Creating a System Model for Teaching Assistant Management System Specification


Creating a System Model for Teaching Assistant Management System Specification using USE Software

System spec ification: Teaching Assistant Management Systems (TAMS) The School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) must manage the assignment of several hundreds of teaching assistants to 250+ English/French course sections offered each year. You are asked to design the system that will allow the following: The system allows an administrative assistant to create job postings. A posting for a TA (or corrector) position must include the department to which the course belongs (e.g. Chemical, Computer Science, among other), the job classification (e.g. TA or Corrector), the course code (e.g. SEG2105), a description (the nature of the work), the hourly rate, the total amount of work hours, the number of student enrolments (estimated) and the name of the supervisor (professor teaching the course) . Each posting has a posting start date and an end date and for most of the courses a list of duties. A duty is composed of a description and the number of hours associated to the duty. Finally, the minimum qualifications needed in order to apply for the position is also provided (e.g. A+ in the course (if taken at uOttawa), relevant industrial experience, certifications, among other). The system must also allow students to apply for TA/corrector position(s). The candidate must specify his/her:  Personal information: First name, last name, middle name, employee email, student email, the level of proficiency in English and French (spoken and written), primary address (including postal code, street number, street name, country, province, city), work address, and his main phone number.  Current program of study: program, program title, program type (Master, Undergraduate, PhD), registration status (full-time or part-time), year of study and registration status (full-time, part-time, not registered this term). 3  Position(s) requested: to select the postings for which you wish to apply. A candidate can apply for as many courses as he wants.  Courses for which the candidate does not wish to be considered  TA Work Experience including all past work assignment (type, faculty, course code, academic year, name of supervisor)  Other relevant Work  Education: which includes the degree, institution and date completed.  Current research and publications Students (candidates) who apply for a position(s) need to provide 1 recommendation letter from former employers or professors and a C.V. A recommendation letter includes:  The relationship to the student (former employee or student),  Scores (from 0 to 5) for performance and research skills,  Work period and name of the company (if the recommender is a former employer) and  A general comment Finally, the system must allow the professor to select the TAs for their courses. A professor should be able to see the list of all applicants, select or reject the candidatures. Arranging the contracts and message exchanging between the parties will be implemented in the next release (out of scope for the system you are implementing).