
My dotfiles, don't look at them they're horrible :monkey_see_no_evil_emoji:

My dotfiles

Just the dot files I drag around for bash, vim, and tmux


"Inspired" by parrotOS' default bash environment. I tend to keep .bashrc super minimal, and just source ~/.bash_profile from it. This initially started out bc macOS by default saved bash configuration things in this dot file.


Mainly, C-a replaces C-b for session controls because it just... feels better. I also type on a HHKB where CAPS LOCK is replaced by CTRL, so C-a ends up being as easy as breathing. Note that from the command line this unfortunately means that the usual C-a command line shortcut will be 'C-a a' while using tmux... annoying now that I think of it.

Window splitting is slightly changed to be more logical to my brain. 'C-a s' accomplishes a horizontal spit, whereas 'C-a v' will do a vertical.

Swapping windows uses vim-like controls: C-h, C-j, C-k, C-l for left, down, up, and right respectively. Note that from the command line this unfortunately kills the C-k line kill shortcut... might change this in the future or just... learn to use screen instead of tmux.


Will require vundle to actually use the plugins. Totally worth it though.

If using neovim, no big deal. See ':help nvim-from-vim'