
Interactive CLI assembler for identifying bad bytes in encoded instructions.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Interactive CLI assembler for identifying bad ("blaze") bytes in instruction encodings.


  • keystone -- pip install keystone-engine



  • python blaze.py - configured for mip32 (little) with no blaze bytes set

Blaze Startup

Blaze commands

Command Description
:arch Displays supported architectures, changes architecture
:endian Change endianness
:config Displays current blaze configuration
:dbb Displays blaze byte list (in decimal)
:sbb Sets the blaze byte list (in decimal)
:rbb Resets the blaze byte list to None
:help Displays list of commands
:quit Quits the program (or use CTRL-C)
instruction Instructions to encode and blaze (; delimited)

Supported architectures

  • MIPS, ARM, Thumb, & PowerPC


Configuring blaze to check for NULLs in MIPS32 little endian encodings

Blaze MIPSEL Example

Reconfigure blaze to ARM big endian and highlight blaze bytes

Blaze ARMBE Example

Quickly blaze bad bytes in a sequence of instructions (no need to assemble and inspect objdump/hexdump output)

Blaze Syscall Example