
Prune branches that have been deleted from the origin

Primary LanguageRust


A git command to prune remote branches that have already been merged.

What it automates

> git branch -v

  add-sstripper-to-video-processor                                        5809024 Merge pull request #39 from 1
  create_additional_clips                                                 2e58682 [gone] Handle fetching information
  enable-logging-for-debug-mode                                           d6f5a52 checkpoint
  fix-segmentation                                                        de3d099 [gone] move message to debug
  grayson/elk-50-make-jobid-something-that-the-workflows-are-aware-of-and 04821cc [gone] fix the job status updating
  job_watcher                                                             e8bfa01 [gone] adding instructions
* main                                                                    8dcade5 Merge pull request #58 from 2
  rate-limit-handling                                                     7782767 checkpoint
  tweak_autoscale_for_demo                                                23a5234 [gone] Adjust scaling for demo

> git branch -d tweak_autoscale_for_demo


> git superprune

This is a dry run that prints out which branches will be deleted.

> git superprune -x

Delete the branches

> git superprune -h
Prune local branches that no longer exist on the remote

Usage: git-superprune [OPTIONS] [ROOT]

  [ROOT]  Root directory of the git repository

  -v, --verbose              Display verbose output
  -u, --upstream <UPSTREAM>  run `git remote prune <upstream>` before scanning [env: SUPERPRUNE_UPSTREAM_REMOTE=origin]
  -s, --ssh-key <SSH_KEY>    SSH key in `~/.ssh/`` to use for authentication with remote, defaults to `id_rsa` [env: SUPERPRUNE_SSH_KEY=]
  -x, --execute              Execute the branch deletion
  -h, --help                 Print help
  -V, --version              Print version