
A C++ wrapper for the etcd3 gRPC API. IN EARLY DEVELOPMENT.

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


A thin C++ wrapper for the etcd3 gRPC API.

This library is in early development. It's not suitable for production use.

It lacks some core API features, and asynchronous gRPC usage is entirely unimplemented.

What do you mean by thin?

etcd3-cpp (currently) makes no attempt to hide gRPC from the user. Rather, the library aims to provide utility functions and a single namespace under which the various etcdv3 APIs can be accessed. Methods return grpc::Status, and the user is meant to check this to detect failures and retry.


#include <grpcpp/grpcpp.h>
#include "etcd3/include/etcd3.h"

auto channel = grpc::CreateChannel("", grpc::InsecureChannelCredentials());
auto etcd_client = etcd3::Client(channel);

etcd::pb::PutRequest request;

etcd::pb::PutResponse response;
auto status = etcd_client.Put(request, &response);

if (!status.ok()) {
} else {

Full documentation is available.


gRPC and Protobufs must be installed. A suitable version of gRPC is provided as a submodule.

First, install gRPC:

$ pwd
$ git submodule update --init
$ cd grpc
$ make
$ make install

Then, build etcd3-cpp:

$ pwd
$ git submodule update --init
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake ..
$ make


This repo provides prebuilt C++ source files that provide the etcd3 API protobufs types because it's complicated and error-prone to extract these definitions from the etcd repo.

gRPC is included in this repo under third_party/grpc. The submodule just points to the same commit as the latest 1.10.x release, nothing special.