
I'm the guy who sucks

Primary LanguageGo


I'm the guy who sucks

Liebot is a Slack bot that searches ohnorobot and the Achewood comic index page.

It uses the Slack slash command API.

Example usage:

![Example image] (http://i.imgur.com/zrLtnYg.png)

To install

On some WAN-facing host

go get github.com/graysonchao/liebot
go install github.com/graysonchao/liebot
nohup liebot > liebot.txt &

Then reverse proxy 443 to the port that liebot listens on (8443 IIRC).

Note that liebot DOES NOT TERMINATE SSL! That's why you use a reverse proxy like Nginx and terminate SSL there instead. Seriously, DON'T put liebot on an open port and just let it run - unless you're down to get MITMed.

Test request:

curl -XPOST -d "text=I'm the guy who sucks" hostname.com/comic

In Slack

Set up a slash command integration and point it at /comic on the host that's serving liebot.