
Take a TCP/UDP connection and route it to various places.

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Take a TCP or UDP connection and broadcast it to other TCP/UDP listeners, Unix named pipes, and Unix domain sockets.

If a named pipe in the config does not exist, netmux will try to create it, but it won't overwrite existing named pipes.


go install github.com/graysonchao/netmux
netmux --config <config.json>

An example configuration is provided. It includes one of each type of output:

  • "fifo" is a named pipe at /usr/local/var/netmux.1
  • "udp0" sends output over UDP to
  • "tcp0" sends output over TCP to
  • "my_unix" sends output to a Unix domain socket at /usr/local/var/netmux.sock.

If you try to use the example config, you should create the Unix domain socket first:

nc -U -l /usr/local/var/netmux.sock


netmux uses unix.mkfifo on FreeBSD and Darwin and unix.mknod on Linux.

The Unix domain socket type used is SOCK_STREAM.