
An outlet for my math rants


This blog is a place for me to rant about topics that interest me.

I'm using this site as a place to refine my thoughts and maybe share some interesting ideas. However, one shouldn't expect polished content from it, as I will be more or less posting rough drafts without much editing.

Technical information

Built using Hugo and the Archie theme.

This site uses MathJax to render Latex in the browser.

Reader comments are currently not supported, but I have plans to do this at some point.

Common Hugo Commands

Building / Running Site

To build the static site $ hugo

To run a live-reloading server $ hugo server

To run a live-reloading server and build drafts $ hugo server --buildDrafts


Add a new post $ hugo new content posts/<name of article>.md

Edit file $ $EDITOR /content/posts/<name of article>.md

A few additional remarks about post creation

If you want to include a site-wide image, throw the image in /images/ and put ![alt](/blog/images/<name of new image file>.<ext>)

If the image is just for the article, create a directory in /content/posts with the same as the markdown file generated with the post-adding command, rename the markdown file to index.md, move it into the created directory, within the new directory create a directory images/ on the same level as index.md and put your article-specific images in there. Finally, put the markdown ![alt][images/<name of new image file>.<ext>] in the article and everything should just work.