## ABC’s The Bachelorette

In ABC’s hit series, The Bachelorette, an attractive, uncontroversial woman is wooed by a pack of (mostly) strange men in their 20s and 30s, all of whom are forced to cohabitate in a mansion kept under artful surveillance. ABC execs have tasked you with building a web application for tracking information about the upcoming season of The Bachelorette, and naturally, you have accepted.

#### Models

  • a __Bachelorette__ has many __Suitors__, as well as the following attributes:

    • ‘name`

    • ‘age`

    • ‘season_id` (an integer)

    • ‘image_url`

  • a __Suitor__ has a single __Bachelorette__, as well as the following attributes:

    • ‘name`

    • ‘age`

    • ‘image_url`

    • ‘eliminated` (a boolean that’s set to false on creation)

    • ‘winner` (a boolean that’s set to false by on creation)

    • ‘bachelorette_id` (a mandatory integer value)

#### Behavioral Specs

__Part 1: The Bachelorette Resource__

  • making a GET request to ‘/bachelorettes` displays a list of all the bachelorettes (each list item should link to the appropriate bachelorette show page)

  • making a GET request to ‘/bachelorettes/6` displays the information for the bachelorette with id 6

  • making a GET request to ‘/bachelorettes/new` provides a form for creating a new bachelorette

  • making a GET request to ‘/bachelorettes/13/edit` displays a pre-populated form for editing the information of the bachelorette with id of 13

  • making a POST request to ‘/bachelorettes` persists a new bachelorette to the db

  • making a PUT request to ‘/bachelorettes/23` updates the information for the bachelorette with id of 23

  • making a DELETE request to ‘/bachelorettes/19` deletes the database entry for the bachelorette with id of 19

    • __BONUS__: When a bachelorette is destroyed, destroy all associated suitors

__Part 2: The Suitor Resource__

  • making a GET request to ‘/suitors` displays a list of all the suitors ever (each list item should link to the appropriate suitor’s show page)

  • making a GET request to ‘/suitors/new` takes the user to a form for creating a new suitor

    • NOTE: this form should provide a select box for linking the suitor to a particular ‘Bachelorette`

  • making a GET request to ‘/suitors/8` takes the user to the profile page for the suitor with id of 8

__Part 3: A Bachelorette and Her Suitors__

  • making a GET request to ‘/bachelorettes/7/suitors` displays a list of only the suitors who are pursuing the bachelorette with id of 7

  • making a GET request to ‘/bachelorettes/13/suitors/new` displays a form for creating a new suitor, but contains a hidden input for `bachelorette_id` that is set to the id of the bachelorette in question (ie 13)

  • making a POST request to ‘/bachelorettes/2/suitors` persists a new suitor to the db __if and only if the Bachelorette with id of 2 has less than 24 Suitors__

__BONUS: The Rose Ceremony__

  • making a GET request to ‘/bachelorettes/3/rose_ceremony` displays a form with a list of checkboxes for the __non-eliminated suitors__ of bachelorette with id of 3. Beside each checkbox should be a label that says, “NAME, will you accept this rose?”

    • format this form so that it fires off a PUT request to ‘/bachelorettes/3/rose_ceremony`

  • making a PUT request to ‘/bachelorettes/3/rose_ceremony` sets `eliminated` to `true` for all of bachelorette 3’s suitors who weren’t given a rose. The application should then render a ‘tearful_goodbye` ERB template with pictures of the eliminated Suitors, as well as a link back to `/bachelorettes/3/rose_ceremony`

  • if a GET request is made to ‘/bachelorettes/3/rose_ceremony` and the bachelorette with id of 3 has only one suitor who isn’t ‘eliminated`, that suitor’s ‘winner` value should be updated to true, and the user should be redirected to a `/bachelorette/3/wedding` page that displays side-by-side photos of the bachelorette and her winning suitor.

#### Useful Command-Line Commands


  • ‘rake db:create`

  • ‘rake db:migrate`

  • ‘rake db:seed`

  • ‘rails server`

  • ‘rails console`

  • ‘rails db`