
MisterMasterUserMeister: an exploration of the User

This exercise will force you to work in new branches for each feature. One a feature is complete merge it back into master by

  • committing your changes
  • checking out master
  • running git merge other_branch

Getting started

We used scaffold_sinatra to create a new application called mister_user_app

Fork my mister_user_app and clone down a copy.

git checkout -b adds_user

Create a Sequel migration file in db/migrations to create a users table

A users table should have the following attributes and datatypes

  • email (string)
  • name (string)
  • gender (string)
  • picture (string)
  • dob (integer)
  • phone (string)
  • location (string)
  • password (string)

Create the corresponding Sequel::Model for User

git checkout -b users_rake_task

Create a rake task db:seed_random_users

When invoked it should:

  • load up the environment
  • Do an HTTParty request to for a random user
  • Save 10 users to the database
  • print out that 10 users were created

git checkout -b httparty_refactor

Create a module called RandomUser with a module method called fetch that performs the HTTParty request and returns the random user data.

Store your module in a /lib folder

Update config/boot.rb to load up all the files inside lib

Update your Rakefile to use RandomUser.fetch

git checkout -b user_methods

In your User model create predicate methods for:

  • male?
  • female?
  • mr?
  • ms?
  • miss?
  • mrs?
  • adult? over 18
  • boomer? born between 1946 and 1964
  • teen? if between 13 and 18
  • tween? between 11 and 12
  • child? between 4 and 10
  • toddler? between 1 and 3
  • baby? between 0 and 1

git checkout -b user_password

Create a new migration to update the users table that

  • removes the password column and adds a password_digest column

Implement a secure password using the sequel_secure_password gem

git checkout -b user_signup

Create a "Sign up!" link on / that goes to /signup

/signup should display a form to enter

  • email
  • password
  • password_confirmation

post to /users and save the user to your database then redirect to "/"

git checkout -b user_login_success

Create a "Login" link on '/' that goes to '/session/new'

'/session/new' should display a form to enter

  • email
  • password

post to '/session' if the user is properly authenticated, store their id in session and redirect to their show page.

git checkout -b user_login_failure

If a user enters the wrong password information redirect them back to the login page and use rack-flash to display a message that they entered the wrong information.