
Transferring prisoner does not update signs or indicate success

hitechwizard opened this issue · 1 comments

Moving a prisoner from one cell to another within the same jail does not update the sign or indicate the transfer completed successfully. Moving a prisoner from one jail to different jail works as expected.

Assumption: BadPlayer123 is a prisoner in the spawn jail in cell holding_1
Example: /jail transfer -p badplayer123 -j spawn -c D_1
Rreturns: /jail transfer [-p player] (-j jail) (-c cell)

The prisoner is transferred to cell D_1 according to /jail listcells, but requires a /jail signs update to get all the signs correct.

I will be taking a look at this later today, transferring code always
seemed dodgy to me and this just confirms my suspicions.
On Jun 27, 2015 1:02 PM, "hitechwizard" wrote:

Moving a prisoner from one cell to another within the same jail does not
update the sign or indicate the transfer completed successfully. Moving a
prisoner from one jail to different jail works as expected.

Assumption: BadPlayer123 is a prisoner in the spawn jail in cell holding_1
Example: /jail transfer -p badplayer123 -j spawn -c D_1
Rreturns: /jail transfer -p player http://-j%20jail (-c cell)

The prisoner is transferred to cell D_1 according to /jail listcells, but
requires a /jail signs update to get all the signs correct.

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