Handle requests missing a trailing slash in Silex by appending a slash and issuing an internal sub-request.
See silexphp/Silex #149 for more information about the default Silex routing behavior.
We try to support all commonly used versions of Silex including:
Silex 2 on
releases~$ composer require graze/silex-trailing-slash-handler
Silex 1.3 on
releases~$ composer require graze/silex-trailing-slash-handler:^1.0
$app->get('/', function () {
return 'Hello World!';
$provider = new \Graze\Silex\ControllerProvider\TrailingSlashControllerProvider();
$app->mount('/', $provider);
ℹ️ Define all your routes first before mounting the controller provider if you want routes with no trailing slash to be matched.
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