
Final project of the Design and analysis of algorithm course

Primary LanguagePython

Problem 1: Part of Speech Tagging

One of the critical operations in speech recognition involves part-of-speech (POS) tagging. This process assigns roles to each part of a sentence (e.g., noun, verb, modal). Given transition and emission probabilities, we aim to determine the most likely sequence of roles for a given sentence.

Function pos_tagging(R, S, T, E)

  • Input:

    • R: Tuple of roles.
    • S: Tuple of strings representing words in the sentence.
    • T: Dictionary representing transition probabilities between roles.
    • E: Dictionary representing emission probabilities between words and roles.
  • Output:

    • Dictionary mapping words to assigned roles.

Problem 2: Device Selection

In this problem, we need to select a subset of speech recognition devices for further testing. The goal is to choose a subset such that each device either dominates or is dominated by another device in the same subset.

Class DeviceSelection

  • Constructor DeviceSelection(N, X, data)

    • N: Tuple of strings identifying the devices.
    • X: Integer representing the maximum sentence length.
    • data: Dictionary mapping devices to performance data.
  • Method countDevices()

    • Returns the minimum number of devices needed for testing.
  • Method nextDevice(i)

    • Input: Integer i representing the subset index.
    • Returns the next device to test within the specified subset.

These two problems address critical aspects of speech recognition testing and optimization, offering efficient solutions for practical implementation.