
This is a Heroku buildpack of CasperJS / PhantomJS.

Primary LanguageShell

Heroku buildpack: CasperJS

This is a Heroku buildpack of CasperJS / PhantomJS.

This fork now resembles more to stomita/heroku-buildpack-phantomjs and will be merged intermittently.

Note: this buildpack only installs the phantomjs and casperjs binaries.

Note2: this buildpack checks out the latest CasperJS on master branch.
If you need a specific version, please change CASPER_VERSION in bin/compile.

Note3: this fork updates usage of deprecated git protocol, from git:// to https://

Now that phantomjs and casperjs are both available on npm, it is easier to use Node.JS buildpack to install them.


Example usage:

# in an empty folder
$ git init
$ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack https://github.com/leesei/heroku-buildpack-casperjs.git
# trigger the build with a push
$ touch empty; git add empty
$ git commit -am "empty"
$ git push heroku master

You can now login to the herokuapp and execute phantomjs and casperjs:

$ heroku run bash
Running `bash` attached to terminal... up, run.2587
Add phantomjs/casperjs paths ...

$ phantomjs --version

$ casperjs --version

Alternately, you can cascade with other buildpacks with buildpack-multi. buildpack-casperjs plays well with cascading since it uses .profile.d/casperjs.sh on login (rather than solely on config_vars) to add to PATH.

$ heroku create --stack cedar --buildpack https://github.com/ddollar/heroku-buildpack-multi.git

$ echo https://github.com/leesei/heroku-buildpack-casperjs.git > .buildpacks

# echo [other buildpack] >> .buildpacks
# `git add` your files

$ git push heroku master

Example: leesei/heroku-casper-node

You can replace Node with other language and driver of your choice.