Installation • How to run it • License • Tech and frameworks used
These are the sources for my personal blog/portfolio. I have been maintaining and expanding it for a while now as I hope it could give guidance to developpers who have the same goals as me!
- Clone repo
git clone
- Install dependencies In the project folder :
npm i
Note : typescript files are not meant to be compiled in this project. Type-checking is fair enough for my use case.
- Lint:
npm run lint
- Type:
npm run type-check
- Unit, integration:
npm run test
- Development mode:
npm start
- Local build:
npm run build
- Serve a local build:
npm run serve
This project is under the MIT license.
- Gatsby, an open source frontend framework for creating rich, optimized websites
- Tailwind CSS, a utility-first CSS framework made for building cool interfaces
- Hosted on Vercel, an all-in-one static and jamstack deployment, with global CDN