

Primary LanguageJavaScriptOtherNOASSERTION


Source code of GLSL.io , the open platform to build an Open Collection of GLSL Transitions.


Build & Run

Building Front End stack:

Requires: http://nodejs.org/ installed. Also http://gruntjs.com/installing-grunt

# in ./client/
npm install && grunt

Running the Server:

Requires: http://www.scala-sbt.org/ installed + a registered Github application

# to put in a script – in ./server/
sbt -Dglslio.rootGist="$GIST_ROOT_ID" -Dapplication.secret="$APP_SECRET" -Dgithub.client.id=$GITHUB_CLIENT_ID -Dgithub.client.secret="$GITHUB_CLIENT_SECRET" -Dgithub.cookie="$GITHUB_COOKIE" -Dgithub.authenticity_token="$GITHUB_AUTHENTICITY_TOKEN" $*

Then in SBT console, type run.


GLSL.io - GPL v3 Licence

Copyright (c) 2014 @greweb

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.



Release Notes

Version 1.7 – 28 September 2014

  • Stars on Transitions based on gist stars.
    • add star count in gallery and editor
  • Gallery:
    • different sort: mix / new / popular / updated
    • new images.
    • Expand feature (experimental)
  • Editor:
    • no more "Square" preview to avoid creating transitions which doesn't preserve the ratio.
  • Technical
    • Introduce Gist Cache to not reload all gists at app reload.
    • Better support around Gists API (workaround to retrieve and sync with Stars,...).
    • client folder refactoring
    • upgrade dependencies (React 0.11.2)

Version 1.6 – 17 July 2014

  • Improve how you can use GLSL Transitions:
    • Home : a new Home page explains a bit more what are GLSL Transitions and how to use them.
    • Video support: the /embed is now using videos to demonstrate a bit more the usability of GLSL Transitions.
    • glsl-transitions: is a new package on Github/NPM which is a daily updated snapshot of GLSL.io transitions.
    • glsl-transition-examples: is a bunch of examples to explain how to use glsl-transition and glsl-transitions.
  • Editor:
    • Share feature: Social networks / link / embed
  • Galery:
    • Some new images is now used.
  • Misc
    • GLSL.io is now hosted on a dedicated server.
    • Fix the project on case sensitive filesystem.
    • #85 : Improve SEO.
    • #84 : Does not disallow user-select for the blog section.
    • #13 : if WebGL is not supported for the user browser, display a banner warning. '/blog' is also display instead of '/'.

Version 1.5 – 29 June 2014

  • Editor: improving Developer Experience
    • #10 : Provides Contextual GLSL Documentation when clicking on a GLSL word in the editor.
    • Add Autocompletion using C-SPACE shortcut
    • #79 : Configuration panel: Customize the Bezier Easing + Transition Duration + Transition Pause Delay
    • #77 : Inform "invalid" transition: if from -> to images are not correctly displayed at from/to progress.
    • #75 : Improve the Sampler2D uniform picker + #72 Support imgur images
    • #33 : Performance feedback: a FPS indicator displaying the transition frames per second.
  • Gallery
    • #17 : Add an Author page: a public user gallery of transitions. e.g. /user/gre
    • #74 : Split Public Gallery / My Transitions
    • The gallery is the same for all: only contains published transitions
    • A "My Transitions" screen displays all user transitions by category: invalid / unpublished / published + comments count
    • #70 : the gallery is now also paginated in the url
  • Blog
    • Add a blog system based on Gists
  • Misc
    • Replace the "Found a bug" in the footer by a "Feedback" button at the right. More visible.
    • If something break by trying to open a page, the error screen is opened and a direct link is able to pre-fill a Github issue (with JS stacktrace and contextual information)

Version 1.4 - 18 June 2014

  • #53 : Sampler2D User Uniforms are now supported! It means you can use external textures (currently from a set of glslio textures) as parameter of a Transition. example / thanks to @rectalogic for the feature request.
  • Bugfixes
    • #71 : some input[type=number] bugs with React has been fixed
    • an unpublished transition was visible in the gallery in 1.3 version.
  • Misc
    • #67 : Gallery is now the home page, About page is on /about
    • glsl-transition has been splitted into two packages: glsl-transition and glsl-transition-core. See this issue
    • Externalize the validation of a GLSL Transition into glsl-transition-validator
    • Create new modules (some experimental) – see https://github.com/glslio

Version 1.3 - 11 June 2014

  • Big technical release:
    • #69 : Migrate the client codebase to React Library + modularisation.
    • Upgrade the server to Playframework 2.3.
    • #66 : Website in HTTPS : https://glsl.io/
    • Opened http://staging.glsl.io/ for beta testing incoming features – it is like GLSL.io but unstable.
  • Update images used in the Gallery and the Editor.
    • Add automation in the images generation into different formats.
  • Gallery and Editor: Pre-load and cache some resources for faster experience.
  • Improve pager of the gallery.

Version 1.2 - 28 May 2014

  • Gallery
    • #16 : Add an "Unpublished transitions" section to display the user not published transitions.
    • #11 : Add Pagination.
    • #54 : Free the gallery memory when leaving it
    • Center the gallery
  • Editor
    • #50 : Support for new custom uniform types: mat2, mat3, mat4, ivec2, ivec3, ivec4, bvec2, bvec3, bvec4
    • #46 : Add Ctrl+S / ⌘+S shortcut support for saving the transition
    • #57 : Bugfix an editor freeze when trying to use unsupported uniform types
    • #45 : Make sure all GLSL errors get caught by the validator (double check the GLSL both by compiling it and running it into glsl-parser which had some differences in order that you can't save an invalid Transition)
    • #24 : Add a comments count meta info in the Transition
    • Bugfix the uniform change detection so that a uniform can be changes live (instantly see the result in the current transition)
  • Misc
    • #41 : Twitter stream is available in about page
    • WIP for a better Twitter Card Integration

Version 1.1 - 21 May 2014

  • #4 #5 #34 : Server refactoring
    • Track gists changes (if directly editing the gist)
    • separation of concerns needed for next features
    • several bugfixes
  • Editor
    • #3 : Bugfix the loop failing to restart after re-compilation (include a bugfix in glsl-transition itself)
    • #2 : Fix a text overflow in the compilation status bar
    • #28 : The template also have a Gist Link
    • Unifying the Transition name with the Gist Link
    • #27 : Add a "MIT License" mention (hardcoded, the gist ~LICENSE is not read)
    • #14 : Polishing the warning message of the page reload confirm popup
    • Bugfix the vector uniforms changes detection
  • Misc
    • #15 : When login/logout, stay on the same URL
    • #29 : Improve meta data in for social networks

Version 1.0 - 19 May 2014

  • Github authentification
  • Gist support (read forks on bootstrap, save to gist only)
  • Minimal gallery with overview controls
  • Minimal editor: live GLSL editor, uniforms, overview
  • Create a Transition
  • Save a Transition
  • About page