We are using PyTorch ResNet18, converted to ONNX, to perform inference on images. The communication method being used is the WebSocket function.
NGINX Because WLS and the local Windows service have different IP addresses, you need to install nginx to proxy the IP.
Install nvidia-driver, nvidia-docker and docker before installing the docker container.
Add docker to sudo group
sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker $USER sudo chmod 777 /var/run/docker.sock
sudo chmod u+x ./docker/*.sh
sudo ./docker/build.sh
sudo chmod u+x ./docker/*.sh
sudo ./docker/run.sh
gunicorn -b --workers 1 --threads 100 webapi:app
- If you want to change port numbers, you shold change
python3 client/client_ws_100pics.py -p <folder/files>
python3 client/client_ws_batch_pickle.py -p <folder/files> --batch 8
- p: The path of inference images. you can input the folder path or the image path.
- If an error occurs with the WebSocket's create_connection function, you should do the following:
pip uninstall websocket pip uninstall websocket-client pip install websocket pip install websocket-client
- flask-sock