Rx in uart message and Tx out UDP message
Run with X86 Ubuntu
bin_u86\udp.svr.out 8888
bin_u86\udp.cli.out 8888
type something then press [Enter] with udp.cli.out
udp.svr.out show the message.
Run UDP server to Rx UDP message
bin_u86\udp.svr.out 8888
Run minicom with ttyUSB1, 115200, to Tx uart message from ttyUSB1.
Run bin_u18\uart2udp.out to Rx uart message from ttyUSB0, and send message out over UDP
wait_usec=1001 is a magic number for showing more debug message.
type something quickly with minicom.
udp.svr.out show the message.
Tested, this program is able to receive short string ( < 20 char) from arduino uart (115200bps) every 200ms.
arduino uart Tx, mt7688 uart Rx and UDP Tx over WiFi, PC Rx UDP from WiFi.
arduino uart Tx, mt7688 uart Rx and UDP Tx over LTE, PC Rx UDP from LTE.